New Yoga Life

A summary of the essences of astha yoga’s intermediate sequence essences (continuous updates…)

As Tonga 2: ushtrasana camel style; how to balance flexibility and strength? Ashtanga sequence 2: laghu Vajrasana small lightning type, detailed explanation; how much do you know about the function of quadriceps femoris in front of thigh? Ashtanga sequence 2: kapotasana pigeon type; do you know why sacrum is called fairy bone? The value of this article is very high! As Tanga Ashtanga two sequence: supta Vajrasana lying thunder type two sequence, the explanation of each posture is so wonderful, do not see you really do not know! Bashasana crane Zen: the most professional explanation of the whole network, there is no Ashtanga second sequence: bharadvajasana balavaga; can such a simple posture speak of flowers? Yes, can you tell us the second sequence of Hualai Ashtanga: Ardha matsyendrasana half spine twist; another simple second position Ashtanga second sequence: why practice the leg around the head? How to practice the leg around the head posture? Ashtangayoga teaching and training consultation: Dashu teacher 17616272849 (with wechat) finally, Dashu recommends a great book to you, which is also a book recommended by Yantai teacher to students, “mindfulness”, which teaches us how to focus on the feeling of every behavior, and then learn how to deal with all kinds of difficulties in life


As I often say to my students in my Mysore class, “when practicing, don’t always eat what’s in the bowl and look at what’s in the pot.”.


Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga Ashtanga intermediate sequence asanga asatanga Lasso asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga asatanga ASA Don’t blindly practice as Tonga 2: side bow style parshva dhanurasana, it’s easy to hurt cervical vertebra if you do wrong


It is extremely beneficial! When practicing Ashtanga, we should pay special attention to “mindfulness”, pay more attention to every breath and movement at present, and don’t always think about the breath or posture behind


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