New Yoga Life

How to do yoga forward bending more deeply?!

From the fascia point of view, it may be that the fascia at the back of the whole body is tense, including the back watch chain Plantar fascia, large and small legs back, back fascia, and thoracolumbar fascia are relatively tense






The spine should be extended as far as possible


1、 For Jiaren with stiff and tense muscles, you can do yoga step by step


Strengthen iliopsoas muscle


Take a big step backward with the left foot


The above is the Yoga forward bend limited, how can we do some more in-depth solutions, hope to help teachers wechat can long press the figure below to identify the QR code, add the point, and select yoga supplies in the lower left corner.


1, relax the calf posterior side fascia, sit on the pad, place the foam shaft on the back of the calf, place both hands on the sides of the body, slowly lift the buttocks, roll back and forth for 20-30 times until the rear side of the calf relaxes 2, relax the same action on the posterior side of the thigh, place the foam shaft on the rear side of the thigh for 20-30 times, until the rear side of the thigh is relaxed for 3, relax the rear side fascia of the buttocks and sit on the foam shaft


The back of the leg is close to the ground


According to your own physical condition, you can choose suitable angles


Pay attention to the weight of the body and don’t press on the knee


3: from the perspective of functional anatomy, it may be the weak hip flexion ability and iliolumbar muscle weakness


4 People can practice cat and ox pose and pelvic clock more


Do this posture


After exhalation, bend back to deepen the strength


According to the above reasons, you can judge the deeper factors that affect your forward flexion according to your different situations And then solve it pertinently


When the cow raises its head and raises its chest, the pelvis rotates forward


Double knees, hands on the back of the body support pad surface, the right leg on the left thigh, the left hand on the right leg or behind, slowly and controlled rolling 20-30 times before and after, until the buttocks completely relaxed


When the cat arches its back, the pelvis rotates backward




Repeat for 10-20 more groups


First, practice bending knees


It’s very easy to learn the pelvic rotation in cat and ox pose


Two, for the fasciae nervous gal, through the foam shaft or fascia ball or fascia guns and other auxiliary tools, relax the soles of the feet and the back of the body are more tense fascia


4: from the perspective of joints, it may not rotate the pelvis


Pelvic clock supine on the cushion, bend knees, hands on both sides of the body, lift the pubis up, iliac bone back to the ground, and then restore, repeat the practice of pelvic backward rotation 20-30 times, and then, do the opposite exercise, pelvic forward rotation 20-30 times




Relax and stretch the iliopsoas muscle to stand in mountain style


Inhale vertically with the right leg and extend the spine upward


Not long ago, I gave you the “Yoga forward bend” to go deep into the extreme, so simple? 》One article, a lot of Jiaren private message asked: Yoga forward bend, how can we do more in-depth? So, before answering this question, we should first make clear the reasons for limiting Yoga forward bending, which mainly include the following four reasons: 1


Strengthen the iliopsoas muscle to practice lying on the ground with hands on both sides of the body and palms facing down Choose suitable exercises according to your own physical condition




You can also do some dynamic exercises to increase the elasticity of the back muscles of the body


Now, I’d like to share with you four tips to help you solve the above problems




From the muscle level, it may be that the muscles at the back of the whole body are tense and inelastic, including the back of the thigh, the back of the leg, and the back


Slowly straighten legs to increase strength


Raise legs 30 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees, and keep each angle for 30-50 seconds


First, practice bending knees, and then practice straightening legs


For Jia Ren with weak hip flexion and iliopsoas muscle weakness, you can do iliopsoas muscle relaxation exercise first, and then strengthen




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