New Yoga Life

Yoga class — restorative yoga practice

Lengthen the side of the body toward the arm, and lengthen the bone back


Pull the loop in front of you above your toes and under your feet so that the side of the strap is on the inside edge of the leg


Let your arms release to the sides of the floor, spread out from the chest, rotate outward, palm up


Breathe here for up to 10 minutes


Sit on the front mat with your back to the other mat


Pull the shoulder blade away from the neck and roll down the outer edge of the shoulder to extend the chest from the center to the sides


All these postures should be held for up to 10 minutes


Close your eyes and rest for up to 10 minutes


Keep your knees bent, feet on the floor and lie back


Once you stretch your legs to the ceiling, keep your hips in the seat of the chair


Fold a blanket at the other end of the pillow


Pull the pillow to your knees and place one or two folded blankets on the other end of the pillow


Some people who walk tired are too tired or overworked to get enough rest, while others may feel exhausted due to physical discomfort, psychological condition or side effects of drugs


Lie on the pillow with your head on the blanket to avoid leaning back


Place your arms under the seat between the front legs of the chair to keep the back legs of the chair


Look at your torso and relax your throat and tongue


Keep your feet straight and your heels against the wall


Straighten your legs and arms over your head until the back of your hand is on the floor


Hold the chair by its sides, then its front legs, and lower the torso until the shoulders are covered with blankets and the head is on the floor


Rest here for three to five minutes


If you feel pressure on your lower back, take the initiative to lengthen the back of your legs towards your heels, turn your thighs inward, and then lift your tailbone (or bend your knees)


Tie a strap firmly to your thigh and a strap firmly to your ankle to hold your legs together


Don’t make the belt too tight to avoid pulling the knee


Fold a blanket and place it on the back of the pillow pad


After 5 to 10 minutes, bend the knee and slide the pillow down until the pelvis reaches the floor


Stretch your legs with your toes on the wall and your heels on the floor


Keep your legs perpendicular to the floor, straighten your knees, and balance the sides of your pelvis evenly on the chair


Put your feet on top of the back of the chair


Two chairs or a bed put a cushion between the seats of two chairs placed side by side, a few feet away from the wall


Keep your knees bent and lie on cushions


This position encourages the inhalation upward, the chest outward and upward expansion, bringing a sense of lightness, while the abdomen can flow downward and soften on exhalation


Step your hips as close to the back and wall as possible


Now bend your knees and slide down the support until your shoulders and head are on the floor


At the same time, as the pillow and blanket support the organs in the frontal lobe, the back and kidneys can relax and spread, thus further relieving the tension


To get out, bend your knees and use your hands to help you sit up gently


Slowly push away the wall to straighten your legs


As you extend the torso forward, press the end of the beam down under the abdomen


If you feel any pressure on your lower back, you may need to slide the support pad towards your feet


After a few minutes, you may want to change the position of the arm


Roll down the outer edge of your shoulders and open your chest


Straighten your legs


Sit back in the chair with your legs bent over the top of the chair


Place the blanket on the nape and under the head to prevent the head from tilting back


Bend the knees to the sides and join the soles of the feet together


Rest your thighs on the pillow for 30 seconds, then turn to one side, untie your legs and sit up


Tuck your shoulders under and rotate your upper arms outward to expand your chest


Keep your chest wide while relaxing your abdomen and diaphragm muscles


Viparitadandasana and setubandhasarvangasana (cushions) place two pillows end-to-end, and place two longitudinally folded blankets at the top to cover each pillow


If you can’t reach the wall, keep your legs straight and perpendicular to the floor, or bend your legs to the top of the back of the chair


Restorative yoga can relieve the senses, shift the attention inward and relieve the inner tension


Place your arm next to the cushion, palm up


Adhomukhasvastikasana in svastikasana, cross your legs in the middle of your calves so that your feet are under your knees


Especially the immune system and endocrine system


Use your hands to slide the bones and hips toward your feet so that your lower back feels long


You can put your hand on your front ribs, or hold your elbow and put your arm on top of your head


Now, place the feet close to the pelvis and tighten the seat belt so that the legs are close to the torso


A large ring is attached by a belt, which is put on the head and around the back waist


Most of the cushions on the chair are farthest away from the wall


Handstands protect the heart from the effort to pump blood to the brain, and gravity protects the legs and lower body from heaviness and vascular stagnation


Add more blankets, another mat, or use a chair if you can’t comfortably reach the mat


If you feel any pressure on the inside of your knees or thighs, place a brace under the outer edge of each leg


Whatever the reason, everyone can benefit from restorative yoga practice


Similarly, propped forward flexion quiets the brain and body, and relieves over stimulation by diverting the brain’s attention and feelings inward


Chair Sarvangasana put the chair about two feet away from the wall, with the back of the chair facing the wall


Sit on the edge of the chair with the support pads a few inches from the hips


Stretch your hips and heels


Lift the sides of the shoulder blade and rib cage so that they are perpendicular to the floor


In this case, with the help of Yoga AIDS, the back bending of passive support can expand the chest without effort


After a few minutes, you can lift one foot to the wall at a time


Let your arms release to the sides


Place the folding mat and blanket on the chair seat, and place two or three folding blankets on the floor in front of the chair


Reduce the level of anxiety, reduce adrenaline and other hormones, so that the burden of the human system to reduce


Cross your forearms and hold your elbows and place the top of your head on the blanket


As you exhale, move your abdomen away from your chest, as your chest expands outward and upward as you inhale


Suptabaddhakonasana places the pad vertically a few inches behind you and sits in front of the pad with your knees bent


In addition, the long-term deep fatigue will make the unconscious effort become a heavy work, unconsciously shrug, hunchback, chest compression, shallow breathing, abdominal tightening


The first pose of this sequence is the supported purvottanasana (upward plank position), which widens and raises the chest away from the lower body


After a two minute break, relax your forehead and eyes to distract you, then change the crossing of your legs and arms and repeat on the other side


Place your abdomen and chest on the mat and your forehead on the blanket


Roll your shoulders under your shoulders to lift and expand your chest


However, if you experience any pain or strain, you may need to rearrange the props or gradually increase the endurance of each pose


Step down with your foot and slide back until your head stops on the floor, but keep your shoulders on the support


If your knees are raised above your pelvis, sit on one or two blankets


Hold this pose for 10 minutes


To pose, bend your knees and place your feet on top of the back of the chair.


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