Psalm yoga | when giving birth, which of natural tearing and side cutting can recover quickly? What is the difference and impact?

You can also insert your finger into the vagina to check the effectiveness of the process


Every expectant mother should prepare for pregnancy with a better body foundation, and her body weight, blood pressure, fat content should reach the standard value


● lie flat with knees bent


The purpose of Kegel exercise is to strengthen the muscle tension by stretching the pubococcygeal muscle in the pelvic floor, which is helpful to the production


Especially in late pregnancy, we should learn to better control our abdomen, spine, pelvic floor muscles and buttocks according to our own situation


Keep the pelvic floor muscles contracting for five seconds, then slowly relax, and repeat the contraction after five to ten seconds


Many pregnant mothers are struggling with the problem of side cutting during natural labor


During the whole exercise, breathe as usual and keep the rest of the body relaxed


To lower the vagina is like squeezing something out of the vagina


Repeat 10 times for a group, more than 3 groups a day, gradually increased to 25 times for a group


Hold for 3 seconds to relax, repeat 10 times as a group, more than 3 groups a day, gradually increasing to 25 times in each group


It can be carried out when walking, riding and working


Thanks to this change, the cervix, birth canal and perineum can expand well when there are contractions, so that the baby can pass


You can touch the abdomen with your hands


In the era of underdeveloped medicine, once the puerpera has such a serious perineal laceration, it is not only easy to be infected, but also will leave different degrees of sequelae, such as fecal incontinence, uterine prolapse and so on, which makes the puerpera suffer for life


First imagine lifting from the entrance of vagina, then gradually ascending along vagina, and support for 3 seconds


In childbirth, the doctor will control the fetus with his hand, waiting for the expansion of the vaginal opening, which is called perineum protection


If the maternal birth canal, perineum elasticity is better, often will not tear, or sometimes through natural tear to expand a little outlet, but not serious, generally I, II degree tear


But if the maternal birth canal elasticity is not good, the fetal head is very big, or the delivery speed is very fast, the birth canal has not enough time to fully expand, the fetus will come out, often lead to serious vaginal, perineal and anal sphincter tear


In other words, this kind of situation does not need and should not be lateral incision


Natural tearing is better than side cutting


When the fetal head is about to be delivered, you can try your best to see the baby quickly! The most important thing is that expectant mothers should not be nervous during childbirth


Pay attention to the gynecological examination before pregnancy, check the cervical and vaginal diseases before pregnancy, and get pregnant after reasonable arrangement


Relaxation is the best state


Close the urethra, vagina and anus tightly (they are supported by pelvic floor muscles at the same time), this feeling is like urgent urination, but cannot go to the toilet, so it is necessary to close the urine


In this case, if the doctor can do perineal incision in time, the side cut wound is neat and clean, the suture is relatively simple, it is easier to recover, and it can accelerate the delivery of the fetus, which is good for both the maternal and the fetus


Does natural labor have to be cut laterally? Experienced obstetricians will quickly judge the size of the baby when the fetal head is near the vaginal opening, and decide whether to use the knife or not


How to avoid tearing and lateral incision? In fact, it’s not impossible to avoid lateral incision or tear, but even if it can’t be avoided in the end, these prenatal preparations are also conducive to natural labor, and postpartum is also conducive to recovery


So, which situations need side cutting? The perineum is inflamed ● the perineum is short, that is, the distance from the vaginal orifice to the anus is too short ● the fetus is too large, and it is difficult for the vaginal orifice to pass through the larger fetal head ● when the fetal head has been exposed, the fetal heart rate drops and fetal distress occurs when the fetal head has reached the pelvic floor ● when the mother has pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome, heart disease and other complications ● when the second stage of labor is delayed For a long time, in order to deliver the fetus as soon as possible, so as to avoid long-term compression of the fetus in the vagina, lateral incision is needed


Do not force too early to cause dystocia, and do not make any effort in vain


From the beginning of three months of pregnancy, we should start to do scientific activation training during pregnancy, restore the coordination and range of motion of spine, pelvis and limbs, learn to use the body power scientifically, and increase the elasticity of core muscles


Relax the muscles in the buttocks and lift the pelvic floor up


Before delivery, it is better to popularize the knowledge of scientific production, participate in the midwifery training of pregnant women, learn the basic way of production force, and learn to cooperate with the medical staff


In the first stage of labor, don’t shout


If there is contraction in the abdomen, the muscles are wrong


So, natural tear & lateral incision, which is better and faster? What is the difference and influence between the two? Why can happen “perineal tear”? In childbirth, women’s delicate reproductive organs will expand to tens of times the original width, so that the baby can pass the delivery smoothly, isn’t it incredible? In fact, by the end of pregnancy, the vulva and cervix of the expectant mother will gradually become soft and elastic


During the whole process of labor, doctors will try their best to protect perineum while helping the fetus deliver


If the expectant mother exercises properly during pregnancy, the wound will recover quickly


If the fetus is too large, or other special circumstances, the fetus can not be delivered smoothly, do not reject the lateral incision too much, or serious tear will occur, and the consequences are unimaginable


Some pregnant mothers say that side cutting is good, while others say that never side cutting


At present, too many women with inflammation pregnancy, of course, will affect the delivery


Reasonable diet, to avoid fetal overgrowth, diet control during pregnancy, balanced nutrition, to avoid fetal overgrowth, fetal weight must be in the appropriate range of growth, also need to be a mother through scientific and reasonable diet, to achieve good results


You can drink some water and eat some food to increase your physical strength


Scientific pregnancy preparation and midwifery training can help postpartum mothers better and faster repair..


Pay attention to save physical strength, don’t go to the second stage of labor, no strength


Simple pelvic floor muscle movement can be carried out sometimes, with the rule of contraction of five seconds and release of seconds


Compared with lateral incision, this degree of natural tear has less damage to pelvic floor muscle, requires less suture, and is easier to heal


Pregnancy should also cooperate with the doctor to do a good job in the examination, some pregnant women do not pay attention to prenatal gynecological examination, private inflammation and no timely treatment, such maternal childbirth is more likely to cause vaginal laceration, uneven wound, affect the wound suture


Although the current medical conditions are better, it is still a very difficult task to sew uneven wounds, and the wound healing is slow, and the sequelae caused by perineal injury will increase


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