New Yoga Life

Shenzhen rain & Jonas two male Yoga gods come together! When rocket stream meets astonga

For beginners, it will give a variety of variants, and difficult variants can also bring challenges for advanced students, so as to meet different needs


Rocket flow certification is kept, and Ashtanga teacher is specially invited


” What can’t be missed in this Ashtanga workshop? Ashtanga level I sequence, also known as yoga therapy, can very well establish and strengthen the foundation of the feet and the strength of the legs, improve the stiffness of the back, and eliminate the toxins on the body level.


He said that he has changed his profession, but rain has also brought the rigor, seriousness and meticulousness of the designer period to the practice and teaching of yoga


In rocket Yoga sequence, many body flexion, back bending, spinal torsion, hip opening and core strength exercises will be applied, which can activate the practitioner’s whole body system, effectively help wake up the nervous system, supplement and quickly restore the spirit and energy


Since then, he has followed Ashtanga’s tradition and insisted on practicing Mysore every day


The workshop time is April 9-11, 2021 (Friday Sunday)


Jonas video clip: what is rocket Yoga? Rocket flow yoga, or rocket vinyasa, is a traditional Ashtanga Flow Yoga sequence written by yoga master Larry Schultz It consists of three original sequences, rocketi, rockeii and rockeiii


The system improves the rhythm of breathing to make the practice more effective


“The practice of astonga has always been accompanied by a very important characteristic – self-discipline




No matter teachers or students, self-discipline is the most basic


At this time, a good teacher’s guidance to break through the bottleneck is particularly important


Teacher rain, the tutor of Yoga conferences is specially invited


It will require the practitioner to combine breathing and flowing postures, and complete 120-142 individual postures in 90 or 120 minutes


Encourage the brain to slow down and pay more attention to the process of yoga practice and the process of body improvement


In order to explore the Indian culture and practice day after day, he has been inspired by his humorous teaching style Htangayoga has lived in India for several months and practiced Ashtanga under sharathjois


Day · 29:30-11:30 (practice) rocket theme sequence 214:00-17:00 (theme workshop) shoulder opening & back bending 17:00-18:00 comprehensive balance exercise sequence day · 39:30-11:30 rocket theme sequence 311:30-12:30 lunch break 12:30-15:00 (theme workshop) hip opening 16:00 Astenga first-order sequence + second-order sequence backward bending rain SriK.PattabhiJois Sharath Jois, the leader of the school, is a senior tutor of Y + yoga in Shanghai


After learning the classic framework of the rocket, if you continue to arrange your own creative rocket courses which are different from others, it will enlighten you how to arrange other courses, which is also suitable for teachers of flow yoga


The regular courses with different length of 60 minutes, 75 minutes, 90 minutes are given, and the time allocation and arrangement suggestions of workshop types such as 120 minutes are given


inclusive freedom and innovation rocket Yoga sequence has a lot of selective excessive and additional postures, which can be added to the “skeleton sequence”, bringing more details and concerns into the teacher’s teaching


The teaching is calm and safe, which can bring students a stable practice atmosphere


This makes rocket yoga a versatile and changeable flow yoga sequence


In Thailand, Professor eady, the master of backward bending, learned how to make yoga pose really stable and comfortable




It can have enough time to explain the ordinal technique, so that students can learn the posture in a relaxed environment


Symmetry, asymmetry, and one handed balance support, and handstand


He always believes that any progress comes from constant study and practice


It has the function of balancing energy


The content of the course is arranged from 19:30-11:00 (practice class) in the rocket theme sequence 12:00-15:00 (detailed explanation: the classic version of the rocket framework sequence)


From a design teacher to a yoga teacher, the teacher has been engaged in yoga for 16 years


Combined with standing, arm balance, backward bending, handstand and so on, all kinds of postures are very challenging


When rocket stream meets astonga, it’s a high party that can’t be missed! On: what is the most popular Zui course in yoga circle? That row at the top must be rocket flow and astonga! In April this year, the most beautiful season, we invited Jonas and rain, the two male gods of yoga, to bring rocket flow and astonga workshop together, and invite you to sublimate your inner energy together! Eryt200, a popular teacher of Jonas Shanghai y + yoga club, was inspired by David Swenson’s humorous teaching style


Super energy feast in April! Rain Jonas is invited by two male god teachers of rain & Jonas


Rocket Yoga combines the rhythm of Flow Yoga with asatanga’s postural sequence perfectly


In addition to self-regulation and routine daily practice, Astanga’s fixed movements also make many practitioners encounter bottlenecks in practice for various reasons and unable to move on


He has studied rocketyoga with David Kyle, the successor of the rocket, many times and served as his teaching assistant


Since 2012, he began to practice Ashtanga


In a breath between the concentration of calm, not impatient


David is one of the most influential teachers in Jonas’s teaching style




15: 00-18:00 (theme workshop) arm balance & handstand note: hand, wrist, shoulder in the support of the sequence


Why should we practice “rocket yoga” A


Rocket Yoga sequence combination is suitable for basic practitioners


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