New Yoga Life

These five parent-child yoga movements make your baby full of energy

When breathing in, the mother and the baby bend forward at the same time, legs as straight as possible, hands through the middle of the legs, holding hands with each other, stay for 10-20 seconds


Yoga originated from ancient India, pursuing the integration of nature and human, a perfect balance


Let’s see the moon is crooked


This action is the same as the beginning


Doing yoga with your baby can not only shape your body, but also promote the communication between parents and children


Slowly restore, adjust breathing


Parent child yoga is a game suitable for a family


(pictures from the Internet) 4


Parent child yoga is a kind of practice method which integrates intellectual education and physical education


” “One more time, the moon bends in


On the other side, the moon is slanting out


First of all, we will start with postural practice


(photo from the Internet) 3


Today morning teacher will take you to practice yoga


The moon is crooked


Hold it in your hand, extend it upward, keep your feet together, and look ahead with your eyes


The distance between mother and baby is about 10 cm, standing back to back, breathing evenly


Maria Montessori / everything we do to children will blossom and bear fruit, not only affecting his life, but also determining his life


Restore slowly, adjust breathing


(photo from the Internet) 2


See if your hand has touched your mother


Inhale, hold hands together, head back, stay for 5-10 seconds


You should experience it quietly, calm down and feel each other


Parents of elk face to face with children, “Elk’s feet are like flowers, so our little hands should be like flowers.” (five open in flower shape) “upper body down, eyes looking at mom, arms back out.” (picture from the Internet) a video takes you into the world of Yoga: (video from the Internet, deleted) Mom and Dad, happy parent-child time starts with yoga!.


1、 Face to face kneeling posture, the child’s hands in the hands of the mother, quietly looking at the mother’s face, both eyes closed, hands corresponding, feel the flow of energy in your hands


Split legged mother and baby sit face to face, legs open left and right, baby will step on the mother’s inner thighs, breathe evenly


“” look ahead, let’s change direction


In another direction, the moon tilts out.” (photo from the Internet) 5


In essence, it is a way for parents and children to “play happily”


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