New Yoga Life

Want to stay young? These 9 yoga postures with strong bones should be practiced frequently!

Lengthen the side waist to keep 5-8 breaths


Lean on the mat, legs apart and hip width, toes pointed out naturally, hands on both sides of the body, palms up, shoulders down, head in the middle, often practice these 9 yoga postures, strong bones, make you younger and younger!.


Stand in tree mountain style, bend the right knee, put the right foot on the inner side of the left thigh, step down on the ground inside the left foot, turn the right thigh outward, abduct the knee, center the hip, face the front, keep 5-8 breaths, change the opposite side


Lie prone on the cushion surface in locust style, put both hands on the body, and separate the feet to shoulder width


Small bridge supine on the mat, hands on both sides of the body, feet open and hip width, toes point forward, bend knees close to hips, legs and the ground vertical lift, hip up, chest up, hands back ten fingers clasp, shoulder pressure to the ground, keep 5-8 breaths Pull 7-8, supine hand holding big toe 1.2, supine, stretch band on the right foot, grasp the band with both hands, extend the right leg to the ceiling, press the left leg down, push the heel far away, compress the cushion surface evenly, sink the shoulders and keep 5-8 breaths, change the opposite supine hand holding big toe 1, start to grasp the stretch band with the right hand, put the left hip with the left hand, open the right leg to the right, press the left body to keep 5-8 breaths, change the position Reverse side 9


Let’s share a set of yoga postures to promote bone health




Soldier two feet apart more than one leg length, right heel alignment, left foot arch, right knee above the ankle, left foot outside step on the trunk above the hip, chest navel to the front, spine extension, arms flat, fingertips to both ends, eyes to the right fingertips, keep 5 breathing The body bends to the left, the left hand supports the ground on the inside of the left foot and pushes each other with the left knee




Prevent osteoporosis as soon as possible


Poke the blue words on it and pay attention to us! You know what? The latest research shows that yoga has an amazing effect in avoiding fractures and preventing osteoporosis


In yoga practice, when muscles antagonize each other, it can stimulate osteoblasts to synthesize new bone at the physical level


Triangle style, one leg apart, one leg long, left toe tip facing the left, left foot buckle, left heel and right arch in a straight line, bend the body to the left, and grasp the left tibia or support the ground with the left hand Right hip adduction, chest navel to the front, hands in a straight line, keep 5 breathing for the opposite side


Let’s practice with Xiaobian! 1


Inhale, extend the spine, exhale, and lift both legs Hands up, shoulders away from ears, scapula down, tailbone down, keep 5 breaths


The right arm extends upward to the side of the right ear, and the fingertips of the right hand extend obliquely above


So, in practice, you’re actually building new bones


Change to the opposite side 5




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