Yoga is not a box of merits and virtues. Just pay for a card. You still have to practice

The “effect” of Yoga should be reflected in life


Grow tall, lose weight, lumbar disc..


Real yoga will not show a person who comes to do business her breadth and profundity


But the strange thing is: if the relationship you are looking forward to with yoga is a kind of transactional relationship – exchanging one thing for another..


It’s hard to say that there are few people who realize that yoga is a spiritual or spiritual practice and start to take yoga as a spiritual development


In addition to standing upside down and bending a horse, the important thing is whether you become more calm, more optimistic and more stable..


Let’s go back to the “seed” – come to the mat and readjust our “original intention”: let’s keep at the moment of body movement in practice, don’t pay attention to the “effect” of practice, and keep a consistent and regular Practice, rather than sporadic “medical treatment” Yoga physiotherapy course, through practice to learn the skills of life, don’t always think about those small benefits..


Yoga can’t be bought


If your focus is basically on physical exercise, you may gain something at first, but one day you will be disappointed with yoga, because yoga can not give you more


Click “the road of Ashtanga Yoga” above to subscribe! Many people have a specific expectation when they first come into contact with Yoga: they want to use yoga to achieve a very specific fitness or physical therapy purpose, and I am no exception


Or if you learn yoga, you can make a living


Do your eyes shine? Have you enjoyed a fruitful autumn after hard work? (end of article) “anatomy train” author personally teaches online course, shock pre-sale, buy course by picture recognition QR code column: click below“


The tiktok yoga is the first thing people touch yoga to do, and it’s all about moving down the bones, maintaining health, relieving what’s wrong with the body, reducing body weight, reducing pressure, increasing height, and healing


It can only be cultivated with its own body – sowing seeds, watching seedlings grow, watering, fertilizing and weeding, Take care of your breath, just like a farmer defending his crops..


You can make money to teach yoga and take private classes..


I only need a little time and money to get some magical effect


Real yoga is not a product sold on the market, nor is it a high-end member service


That is, as long as we go to the mat and do these n stretches, it’s like a special effect treatment, and our troublesome problems (such as lumbar disc herniation and scoliosis) will be relieved or even cured


If it’s not for that, it’s definitely because yoga poses look cool, or all kinds of fancy shows are red in social media


And this process must be day after day, spring, summer, autumn and winter..


But the philosopher said: it doesn’t matter where we start, the most important thing is where we can go later..


Moreover, even if many people expect yoga to have a physical benefit, they will not At the beginning, I realized that yoga is a comprehensive, three-dimensional and integrated health care system


So the problem is not the “original intention” – where we start, but many people still fall into a kind of habitual thinking after starting the road of yoga for a long time: Yoga (stretching on the mat) can treat (Physiotherapy) a specific problem, And this process is like going to a doctor or pressing a massage


Of course, everyone will get such and such returns in yoga practice; but if he doesn’t have a harmonious attitude towards yoga practice and the essence of Yoga, he can only get a glimpse of Yoga – that is, contact with the Yoga form noodles


Real yoga is not a VIP service that can be enjoyed by a club with luxurious decoration and an annual fee of tens of thousands of yuan


But if a practitioner doesn’t have any specific expectations for practice, but just wants to do a good job in every breath, he can gain a lot from Yoga..


More important learning is: for example, can you stand on one foot to help you focus in life, can you keep a good breath frequency to avoid losing your place in life Put your practice on the track of life, you bring your daily luggage to the mat, use your practice to open your luggage, sort out your tangled mind, use practice to observe your competitive mentality, only let the competition and comparison More ablation can fundamentally relieve the pressure in your heart, and ultimately avoid physical injury


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