Yoga warm-up is very important, fully flexible joints, so that the posture to do more in place

(repeat 5 times alternately).


(repeat 5 times on each side) 3


Hip joint movement: bend the left knee, place the left ankle on the right thigh, hold the left hand on the knee joint and the right hand on the left foot; inhale, keep the knee joint up close to the body, exhale, and keep the knee joint down close to the ground


Joint activity series – open joints, relax muscles, improve flexibility, and mobilize body energy circulation


Lean your upper body back slightly to keep your back and spine extended


Yoga practice, warm-up is particularly important, full warm-up can be flexible body joints, so that the body is protected


Neck activity: simple sitting or standing, straight spine, focus on the neck, inhale backward, exhale forward; inhale immobile, exhale right, inhale back, exhale left


(repeat 10 times in both directions) 7




(repeat 5 times) keep the position of knee and hand unchanged, inhale straight knee, exhale right leg circle (clockwise) and fall back to the knee flexion position


Move the shoulder, bend the elbow, put the fingers on the shoulder, rotate with the shoulder joint as the axis, inhale, rotate the arm from front to back, and exhale to lower the elbow


(repeat 5 times for the left and right legs) bend the knees, the soles of the feet together, hold the toes of the feet in both hands; inhale, the knees close up; exhale, the knees open outward; exhale, the knees open outward, close down to the ground


(repeat 10 times), rotate the ankle and keep breathing


Waist activity: simple sitting, shoulder extension and chest straightening; right hand supporting the ground behind, left hand on the right knee; inhale to stretch the spine, exhale to twist the trunk to the right, inhale to return to the right body


(repeat left and right alternately for 5 times) 8


Ankle movement stretch the ankle, inhale, hook the heel up, exhale, and stretch the heel down


Sit and stand series to maintain the correct sitting position, legs extended forward, knees and feet together


Keep your hands on the ground at the back of both sides of your body


Knee joint movement: bend the right knee, cross hands and ten fingers, hold the back of thigh, inhale, straighten knee joint; exhale, bend knee joint


(left and right each 5 laps) 2


(repeat 10 times) 4


Scoliosis activity simple sitting, left hand in the body side support, elbow slightly bent; inhale, right arm up, lengthen the right side of the spine; exhale, keep the arm and spine extension, trunk slowly to the left, right buttock do not lift; inhale, body slowly back to the right, right arm down


(repeat 5 times from left to right alternately) 5


Today, we summarize a set of flexible joint warm-up postures, which can be used as a warm-up before yoga, so that we can better deepen the postures in yoga practice




Move the upper back and middle back, cross the fingers of both hands, turn upward, and straighten the arms upward; inhale, stretch the spine of the back, exhale, and turn the trunk to the left; inhale, and turn the body back to the center; exhale, and turn the trunk to the right; inhale, and turn the body back to the center




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