New Yoga Life

Does the wrist ache when practicing yoga? You should pay attention to this detail

Yoga, want to avoid wrist pain, grasp the correct wrist force is very important, you see below! X stands for the place with the most load, O stands for the place with the second most load, O stands for the place that needs to be lifted up, and △ stands for the place that can’t be loaded


In addition, when practicing support postures, pay attention to activate the core and arm strength to help share the wrist burden! Today, Xiaobian shares a series of physical therapy for wrist pain


This series is also suitable for office mouse hands


Remember to collect it! Move 01, four feet support position, hands open and shoulder width, ten fingers open and exhale forcefully, palms of hands off the ground, ten fingers push to inhale and restore, dynamic exercise 15-20 times


02, kneel on the yoga mat, core tighten and inhale, hands up, shoulder blade sinking with breathing, hands ten fingers open and close, dynamic exercise 12 times a group, exercise 3 groups of action 03, keep kneeling position, Press palms of hands, wrists forward, exhale to tighten core body backward, apply pressure on wrists for 5-8 breaths, practice 5 movements 04 and kneeling posture, turn hands in turn, cross fingers, raise hands to shoulder height, cooperate with breathing, swing wrists left and right for 12-15 movements 05 and kneeling posture, swing arms for 10 movements 06 and kneeling posture, inhale with palms and bend elbows Repeat the exercise 12-15 times 07, wreath style, slightly exhale from the toes and knees, tighten the core, straighten the waist and back, hold the hands and forearms in the knee fossa for 8-10 breathing movements 08, kneel on both knees, support the left elbow with the forearm parallel to the body, press the right elbow in front of the forearm, move up and down slowly, and stay 5-8 breathing pain points for a long time After that, switch to the other side to continue tips: do yoga, never draw gourd like this! To understand the correct force, otherwise the injury is not worth the loss! -Wonderful recommendation – remind everyone: try to eat less carrots, it’s best not to eat, after reading to understand! What foot type, what life, must cry! A top student of Peking University cheated his 70 year old cancer father out of the country and jumped down from a height of 4 kilometers


The result was beyond everyone’s expectation..


He always wakes up at 3 or 4 a.m


when he goes to bed, and he doesn’t feel sleepy again, which may indicate four major diseases


Don’t ignore that after 50 years old, the best thing to rely on is the following three people


It is suggested that retired people, no matter how much money they have, eat less peanuts and melon seeds, and eat them more often The legs are strong and the color is good.


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