New Yoga Life

Yoga knowledge allows you to do yoga anytime, anywhere

Many friends do not have time to practice yoga at work, but they really want to practice yoga! So how to solve this problem? Do you want to practice yoga anytime and anywhere? Here are eight yoga moves


It doesn’t take much time to let you do yoga easily! Lonely ~ why do my lovely Yoga wait until the weekend! ~ in fact, yoga can be done at any time Do it anywhere, let’s see how to practice yoga, let Yoga everywhere! ★ 7:00am morning wake up, morning bath, morning shower, can let you the fastest speed to reach a sober state, and then with these movements, firm abdominal muscles, but also relieve headache symptoms


① Stand with your back to the shower, palm on your abdomen and middle finger near your navel


② Relax your abdomen, take a deep breath with your nose, and feel the abdominal muscles are squeezing out the air in your stomach


③ Make a “ah” sound until you feel the vibration of your stomach


Of course, you can also choose other pronunciation, as long as the mouth is open


Repeat three times


At 8:30am, you drive to work


You are always upset by traffic jams


When waiting, move gently to calm the fidgety, prevent headache and relieve shoulder and neck pain


① Sit up straight, press your hips on the seat, look up at the sky, raise your chin, and place your feet flat on the ground


② Put your right hand on your right hip and your left hand at 3 o’clock on the steering wheel


③ Inhale and straighten your back


Exhale, the right hand against the seat, the body to the right, how much can turn, but be careful not to strain bones


④ Hold this motion, inhale and straighten your back


Exhale and return to center


Repeat on the other side, twice on each side


11:00am chair movement: because of work, you need to sit in your position for a day? Then you can take some time to relax your nervous nerves and let it ease


What should you do? Let’s see how to do it


① sit on the edge of the chair, put your feet flat on the ground, and put your palms down on the chairs on both sides of your hips


② Inhale, straighten your back and feel that your head is going to be against the ceiling


③ Exhale, bring your shoulders forward, bend your waist and lower your head


④ Inhale, look up, look up into the sky


Hold the movement and take 2-3 deep breaths


When the phone rings at 1:30pm, don’t rush to answer it


Let the call interrupt your work and give yourself 6 seconds to rest


① When the phone rings (it can also be done when the computer web page needs loading), stop the work at hand, straighten your back and take a deep breath in your abdomen


② Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a very comfortable place, such as floating on the lake and relaxing your upper body muscles


Smile, then pick up the phone when it rings the second or third time


It’s not lonely to line up at 4:00pm


Don’t just stand there and practice the variant of tree style in yoga


It can tighten the leg muscles and reduce the belly fat


① Open your feet to hip width, shift your weight to toe tips, straighten your back, and lift your chin slightly


② Relax your shoulders and let your arms fall naturally


③ Shift your weight to your right foot, lift your left foot and place it at your right ankle


Take a slow, deep breath, put it down, and change feet


At 6:30pm, the kitchen is full of new ideas, waiting for the water to boil or oil to boil


The variant of downward dog style in yoga can help you eliminate the work fatigue of the day and replenish your energy to deal with the activities at night


① Palm on the table, shoulder width


Feet open, hip width


② Lean forward with your feet back until your upper body is nearly parallel to the ground and your feet are just perpendicular to the ground


③ Take a deep breath and exhale as you press hard on the table


Repeat, holding this position for 2-3 breaths


At 7:30pm, when you are busy taking a walk, take a short meditation to let your brain rest


When walking, count your steps, take a deep breath at each step


Try to keep the length of breath the same


At 9:30pm, the tense work of getting ready for bed is finally over, but it is inevitable that some small situations will occur when you go to bed


Doing these yoga movements can make you sleep at ease and enjoy the nerve pleasure easily! ① set an alarm clock, which will ring after 5 minutes and 10 minutes respectively


② Lie flat on the floor beside the wall, with your legs straight against the wall and your hips close to the wall, take a deep breath


③ Focus on breathing, don’t be distracted, try to close your eyes and empty your brain


④ When the alarm clock rings for the first time, bend your knees to your chest, hold your legs, and roll left and right until the alarm clock rings


Conclusion: you can practice yoga anytime and anywhere, do you know? Every day’s work brings a lot of trouble to your nerves, making you very distressed, and physically and mentally tired


The above yoga movements can achieve the effect of exercise as long as you spend very little time


Let’s learn it together! The copyright belongs to the creator, if there is any infringement, please contact us in time! Here’s what you need.


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