New Yoga Life

Detailed explanation of 31 yoga postures (including correction points)

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Practice is very important for Jiaren


It’s more important to know how to practice asana


In real life, there are many yoga beginners who actually know the correct posture, but they just don’t know how to exert their strength and make them do the right movements


In other words, they don’t know the direction of their physical strength and the trajectory of their postures


In order to make it convenient for you to practice at home during the Spring Festival, today we share the right and wrong comparison chart of postures, including 8 categories, the track of 31 yoga postures, the direction of exertion, in addition, we also introduce the key points of postures correction! You can feel and contrast in practice! 1、 Standing posture 1


Mountain style arm lifting supplement: because the model’s shoulder is relatively rigid, the arm is not fully opened, and the neck is also tense, the novice Jia Ren should pay attention to extending the back of the neck when practicing, look straight ahead, the arm should be upward as far as possible, and the big arm should be close to the ear 2


Standing forward supplement: in this posture, pay attention to retracting the abdomen, which will help extend the back and the back of the thigh Pelvis forward rotation is also very important




Tree supplement: beginners must pay attention to the foot can not be placed on the knee, hip should be in the center




Soldier 1 supplement: Soldier 1 knee and toe must be in a straight line, the rear leg as far as possible straight, thigh muscle tightening




Soldier 2 supplement: Soldier 1 knee and toe must be in a straight line, pay attention not to step on the waist and hips 6


Goddess style supplement: pay attention to the big and small legs 90 degrees, hips open to both sides, do not step on the waist and raise hips 7


Horse riding style 2


Sitting three-dimensional Style 8


Walking stick style supplement: the body center of gravity should not move forward, nor press on the knee, legs and instep press down forcefully 9


Cattle face style supplement: elbows face upward, shoulders equal height 10


Sitting angle style supplement: spine extension, avoid arch back, legs muscle tightening to the waist Press down on the ground 11


Sit spine torsion supplement: the ischium must be compacted on the ground, and after the extension of the spine, twist 3


Transitional posture 12


Downward dog supplement: do not arch the back, move forward the body center of gravity, at the same time, pay attention not to excessively open the shoulders and chest, tighten the thigh muscles of both legs, and step down with foot force 13


Downward half arm dog supplement: pay attention to the elbow clip, and do not hit both sides Open four, kneel three-dimensional 14, cat style supplement: pay attention to the extension of the spine section by section, try to arch the back to the highest 15, cow style supplement: pay attention to the extension of the spine section by section, the abdomen is controlled to tighten, not completely relaxed 16, tiger style supplement: arm, trunk, leg in a straight line, the strength of the body do not press on the knee 17, tiger style supplement: the strength of the body Don’t press on the knee 18


Camel style supplement: pay attention to the back bend, don’t try to extend the spine from the waist, open the chest as far as possible 5


Support style 19


Dog style supplement: lift the legs off the cushion surface, tighten the abdomen, close the shoulder blades to each other, and extend the spine 20


Four column supplement: use the core force, not only the two arms force, don’t step on the waist and hips, tighten the thigh muscles, and tighten the heels Back pedaling 21


Side plate supplement: extend the side waist and lift the hip up


If the elbow is over extended, slightly bend the elbow




Reverse inclined plate supplement: the toes must be forced to step down on the core, tighten up and don’t drop the neck




Wild supplement: pay attention to tighten the core, extend the spine, and avoid stepping on the waist




Wheeled supplement: extend the spine, open the chest, and extend the abdomen 6


Prone posture 25


Bow style supplement: spine extension, chest opening, abdomen controlled extension, thigh tightening, feet pushing down the ground 26


Half frog style supplement: spine extension, shoulders relaxation 7


Supine posture 27


Supine needle eye style supplement: shoulders, back and neck must be tightly padded 28


Small bridge style supplement: legs and knees Toe to thigh tightening, hip up 29, supine hand grasp big toe supplement: shoulder back neck must be close to the cushion surface 8, inverted three-dimensional 30, leaning against the wall half hand handstand supplement: beginners before practice, it is best to have a companion to help legs to force staring at the wall, hands pushing the ground, core tightening 31, head handstand supplement: legs and feet must be activated, force up, core tightening, the whole body The pressure on the vertical cushion surface is evenly distributed on both arms and the head


Pay attention that the head does not bear too much weight


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