Every yogi should try the four small series of dog down style!

Click the blue word “1001 tips for weight loss” above to pay attention for free! As we all know, the lower dog pose is an excessive pose in yoga practice


Connecting different poses through the lower dog pose can not only make the practice more smooth, but also improve the practice experience and effect


For beginners who have just come into contact with yoga, they may not be able to skillfully use the lower dog style to connect different postures


Therefore, today I recommend four lower dog style small series, hoping to help you


Tandem 1: start dog down, bend your right knee, take a big step forward, drop your right foot between your hands, drop your right leg vertically to the ground, drop your left leg on the ground, inhale and extend your spine, raise your hands above your head, exhale and bend back to keep 5-8 breaths, put your hands on both sides of your right foot and enter dog down, practice tandem 2: start dog down, lift your right foot between your hands and bend your left knee Stick to the ground, straighten the right leg, push the heel on the ground, extend the spine, keep 5-8 breaths, twist the body to the right, keep 5-8 breaths, put both hands on both sides of the right foot, return to the dog down style, practice the other side of the series three: dog down style begins, take a big step forward with the right foot, rest between the hands, inhale vertically with the right leg, extend the spine, press the abdomen against the right thigh, and slowly straighten the right leg Put both hands on both sides of the right leg, the heel can be raised or stepped down to keep 5-8 breaths, bend the right knee, put both hands on both sides of the right foot to restore the dog down, practice the other side of the series four: dog down start, right foot forward a small step, feet step on the cushion surface, abdomen close to the right thigh, inhale to extend the spine, exhale trunk down, hands embrace the left thigh, keep 5-8 breaths Extend the spine, come to the place parallel to the ground, exhale, turn your body to the right, put your left hand on the outside of your right foot, raise your right hand above your head, turn your head and look at the fingertips of your right hand, keep 5-8 breaths, return your hands to the dog down position on both sides of your right foot, practice the other side, and pay attention to the above four small series


You can add them to your daily asana practice, or you can add four small strings Practice together


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