The future of yoga in Asia

The hope for Yoga | the future of yoga | Namaste, my dearfriends! We have been exploring in the last few videos, about how there is going to be a great future for yoga in the future, and to day I want to discuss saving interest in phenomenathas being happy in the last 15 to 20 years,  whichi stheriseofyogainAsia.Namaste My dear friends! In the previous videos, we discussed why the future of yoga is full of hope


Today I want to talk about a very interesting phenomenon that happened in the past 15 to 20 years, that is, the rise of yoga in Asia


Whenmyfatherwasteaching,yogawassopopularinwesterncountries,likeEurope,America,Canada,etc.,butinthelast10to15years,yogahastakenoverallAsiancountries,likeChina,Japan,Korea,Indonesia,Malaysia, Singaporeetc., When my father was still teaching, yoga was very popular in Europe, the United States, Canada and other western countries, but in the past 10 to 15 years, yoga has swept the whole Asia, such as China, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and so on, which is very remarkable


BecauseAsiansunderstandyogamuchmoreeasilythanourfriendsinthewest,andthisisbecausethere’salotofaspectsofculturethatiscommontomanyAsiancountries,andthere’salotofcommonthingsabouttraditionalsciences. LikeenergyunderstandinginAsiancultures,there’sChinesemedicine,there’sKoreanmedicine, etc.thattalksomuchabouttheconceptofenergy —Qi, Which is what we call yoga prana, so where they are different from where our friends in the West are more likely to understand Yoga than our western friends


This is because the cultures of Asian countries have a lot in common, and the traditional sciences also have a lot in common


The understanding of “energy” in Asian culture, such as Chinese traditional medicine and Korean traditional medicine, has widely talked about the energy concept of “Qi”, which is called prana in our yoga, so they accept these concepts, which are very different from our dear Western friends


Inthewesternparadigm,science,material  scienceisthebasis,andthereforeittakessometimeforourfriendsinthewesttounderstandthemoresubtle, themoreenergeticdomainsofyogainthepublicpopulation. Ofcourse,therearefewwesternYogi-swhounderstandthisverywell, Science, the science of objectivity, is the foundation of Western thinking mode, so for our western friends, especially the general public in the west, we need to take some time to understand the concept of yoga’s more subtle energy level


Of course, I’m referring to a broader group, because some Western yogis have a good understanding of these concepts


So,whenIhavetraveledtothewestforthelast25,30years,andnowthatIstartedtravelinginAsiainthelast5,6years,IseethattherateatwhichtheAsiansareunderstandingyogaatitsdepthsismuchfaster,becausetherearethesupportsystemsfromtheculturalaspects,andIthinkthisisveryverygreat,becausethemoreAsiawillengagewithyoga, In the past 25 to 30 years, I have traveled to the west to spread yoga


Five or six years ago, I started traveling to Asia to teach


I found that because of the cultural support system, Asians can understand Yoga more quickly and deeply, which is very good, because the more Asians join in yoga, the better their future will be.


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