New Yoga Life

1 set of Yoga back sequence, eliminate back fat, return you sexy back groove!

Recently, many fans have commented that with the growth of age, the back is getting thicker and thicker, showing the “aunt” temperament


Especially in summer, people dare not wear clothes that are a little tighter Today, yoga people compiled a set of back Yoga sequence, if you don’t want to be a woman, then this set of back Yoga sequence is particularly suitable for you! Let’s practice now! Action 01: lie prone on the yoga mat, with instep close to the ground, hands in L-shape, core tight exhale, elbows up, inhale to restore with breathing, keep dynamic exercise 12 times


Action 02: lie prone, feet apart and hip width, inhale preparation, exhale, elbows up 5 times, core tight, shoulders relaxed, away from ears 5 times as a group, with breathing exercise 3 groups of action 03: prone, double Shoulder and forehead off the ground, instep close to the ground, inhale, arm straight forward, exhale, bend elbows down with breathing, keep dynamic exercise 12 times




Prone, bend elbows, hands up, inhale preparation, exhale elbows down for 4 times, pay attention to shoulder blade adduction, look for heels down, practice 3-5 groups, pay attention to core tightening




Prone on yoga mat, toes toward the outside, hands flat Lift, thumb up, exhale, retract the core, lift hands off the ground, feel chest open, shoulder blade inward, inhale, restore, dynamic exercise 12 movements 06, prone, start from action 05, inhale, ready to exhale, raise hands up, fast dynamic exercise, pay attention to hip line expansion, shoulders relax with breathing, dynamic exercise 10 groups of movements 07, prone, hands straight forward, slightly wider than the shoulder Stretch the spine, exhale and breathe, raise hands up, inhale, restore neck relaxation, dynamic exercise level 12 08, keep exhaling in the preparatory position of action 07, lift hands up for 10 times, pay attention to shoulder relaxation and sinking, core tightening 09, keep prone on the yoga mat, core tightening hands, bend elbows downward, exhale in the letter W-shape, chest off the ground, elbows inhale upward, Restore, dynamic practice 12 movements 10, yoga_ 11


Lie prone on the yoga mat, exhale with both hands on both sides of the buttocks, tighten the core, inhale with both hands and legs off the ground, restore, exercise 10 times




Keep in the preparatory position of action 11, inhale, extend, exhale and retract Close the core, lift both legs off the ground, and the lumbar spine extends for 3-5 breaths


Reduce prone action 13


Kneel on the mat


The knees are vertical to the hip with the same width thigh, the toes are hooked back, the hands are lifted to exhale, the abdomen is closed, and a section of the spine is rolled down to the dog type, extending the spine, extending the chest downward arm, stopping 5 breathing to exit from the small dog type, slowly reducing the kneeling position and suction Lift your arms up, exhale, bend your elbows down, fold them in front of your chest, and stay for 3-5 breaths


If you accumulate too much fat on your back, it’s not good-looking from a physical point of view


From a health point of view, it will block your back meridians, which is not conducive to your health


Therefore, women must practice their back! Disclaimer: the text and pictures are from the Internet


They are only for learning and communication


They do not have any commercial use


The copyright belongs to the original author


If you have any questions, please contact us for deletion


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