New Yoga Life

Yoga, no feeling? There are 12 common yoga postures. It’s a great feeling to practice in this way!

Poke the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga, often no feeling? Do actions, always feel not deep? Today, I’d like to share 12 common yoga postures


It’s very strong to use yoga bricks to assist practice


Let’s have a try: action 1: kneel on the mat, with legs separated slightly larger than the hips


Inhale, extend the spine, exhale, bend forward, put the yoga bricks under the forehead, relax the shoulders, and put the yoga bricks under the forehead


It’s suitable for Jiaren who are tense in shoulder, neck and back to reduce stretching The pain makes you stay more comfortable in this posture


2: keep the big worship posture, put the Yoga brick under the elbow


In this posture, using the Yoga brick can feel the stretching of the arm and chest more strongly, cooperate with breathing, stay for 1-2 minutes


3: there are two usages of the Yoga brick in the lower dog pose


The first one is for beginners to practice the lower dog pose by supporting the Yoga brick under their hands Long stretch can feel more comfortable in the downward dog pose, and the feeling of extending the spine and arms is more obvious


You can put the Yoga brick under your feet


This version is suitable for yoga practitioners with strong ability


4: many beginners always use the lumbar vertebra to compensate when they practice standing and bending forward


The solution is to put the Yoga brick under their hands to increase the height and bend the knee properly to help them Hip flexion will make you feel more comfortable in standing and forward flexion


The extension of legs and spine will be stronger


Advanced version is suitable for Jiaren with strong hip flexion ability


You can try to pad yoga bricks under your feet to enhance the extension of legs and back


5: from dog down to horse riding, put the yoga bricks on both sides of your body


Using yoga bricks can help you straighten your hips so that your spine can be extended better Open groin and chest movements 6: in the triangle stretching, the use of yoga bricks can greatly enhance the stability of the posture


Putting the yoga bricks under the hands supporting the ground can better help extend the spine, and both sides of the waist can better isometric stretching


Advanced version: the more capable Yoga people can try to practice the triangle stretching, holding the yoga bricks in their hands and pushing the yoga bricks inward For beginners of yoga, the waist is generally stiff and the front side of the body is also tense


It is suggested to practice this version of the action of padding bricks under the knees and clamping bricks inside the thighs to stabilize the pelvis


8: for yoga For beginners, it’s difficult to do the step back version


Put the Yoga brick behind you, bend your elbow and forearm to support the brick, and slowly feel the chest opening and the stretching in front of your body


This practice can reduce the pressure on the lumbar spine


Advanced version: for members who have a certain basis of practice, you can put the Yoga brick under the thoracic vertebra to better feel the opening action in front of your body


9: Yoga Because the hip joint is tense, the pressure of hip joint is high when practicing the beam angle pose


You can pad yoga bricks on the lateral knees on both sides to reduce the pressure of hip joint


You can choose to put or not put the yoga bricks on the back of neck


The second method is to pad bricks on the sacrum and thoracic vertebrae


This method is suitable for yoga practitioners with practice experience


This method is flexible Hip joint at the same time can open chest movement 10: This version is suitable for yoga beginners to practice


Because the strength of the lower back of beginners is relatively weak, the Yoga brick pad at the lumbosacral junction can not only strengthen the strength of the lower back, but also relieve the pain of the waist


Advanced version: Jia people with practice experience can practice this version, the Yoga brick pad at the lumbosacral position, single leg straight up, so that practice can strengthen the core, and Also more comfortable movement 11: when practicing supine spine twisting posture, many people can’t fall to the ground, so it’s more comfortable to put the Yoga brick under the knee, and the spine twisting is more in-depth movement 12: when practicing this posture, many people’s legs are weak and shaking, and some people can’t close the core, which leads to the suspension of the lumbar vertebra and increases the burden


If you clip a yoga brick between the legs, you can solve the problem


The purpose of clamping the brick is to start Adductor muscle of thigh can stabilize pelvis and activate transversus muscle of abdomen to help stabilize lumbar vertebra PS: yoga can make small changes and big differences


After mastering a posture, try different practice methods, and the feeling will be completely different


Let’s go when we’ve finished watching 👍。


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