Did you do yoga right? Check the details that are easy to ignore!!!

Yoga is like a vast ocean


No matter what people crave, whether they want to connect with the universal consciousness, whether they want to be healthy and clear headed, or whether they have emotional stability and mental ecstasy, these are all part of yoga


Yoga provides multi-level solutions for different groups of people


Today, I’d like to talk with you about the small details of yoga practice


Some of my friends may notice that sometimes the movements we practice seem to be similar to the teacher’s movements, but the effects are very different


Yes, there may be some mistakes in the details of your posture! Here’s to check the details of the dog pose that are easy to be ignored: error a: the distance between hands and feet is too close! Error B: Well, the distance between hands and feet is too far! This will put the weight on your shoulders, wrists and hips, it’s difficult to switch to other positions


Error C: don’t look at your hand! Tighten your neck, you won’t feel sore


The key points: stretch the front side of the ankle and push the knee to the ground


2! It’s going to hurt your knees in the long run


Error B: don’t bend your left knee! This threatens the stability of the pose


The key points of correct practice: 1


The knee and ankle should be in a straight line; 2


Must keep lifting the left knee details; error: the arms are too close to the ears, and don’t shrug! The main points of the right way: 1


Try to relax your shoulder, don’t make it stiff




Extend your spine upward from your tailbone




Extend your arms from your scapula


Dolphin flat type details error: error a: the bottom is too flat! This will cause stress to be put on your back


Mistake B: don’t shrug! This will make your neck too tight


Error C: don’t bend your knees! It’s hard to keep the posture stable with a bent knee


Key points of correct practice: 1


The shoulders are perpendicular to the elbows; 2


Keep the body in a straight line as far as possible; 3


Relax your neck and extend it from the shoulders to the spine; 3


Fish details error: error a: do not bend the elbows to 90 degrees! This will keep your head off the floor


Mistake B: don’t relax your legs! This puts unnecessary pressure on your head and shoulders


The main points of correct practice: 1


Put your hands on the hips; 2


Straighten your knees and press your feet down; 3


Put your body weight on your elbows and keep your hips and feet on the ground


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