New Yoga Life

From the “Yoga tree” to start, blooming with spring!

At this time of year, you might as well try yoga tree style to make yourself grow like a big tree in the sun in spring


Yoga tree, nourishes and strengthens the muscles of legs, back and chest


Strengthen two ankles, improve the stability and balance of human body


Enhance the ability to focus


Relax both hips and benefit the chest area


When practicing the tree pose, push the inside of the standing leg from the inside of the upper sole, and push the sole of the standing leg at the same time


Move the sacrum (the triangular bone above the tailbone) forward, bend the leg and knee back


If the force between the legs is not uniform, the foot will slide down


However, if the pressure is the same, the posture becomes more stable, and the tension in the middle increases, which gives the pelvic floor muscle an upward force


After standing, slowly raise your arms above your head and keep your shoulders down


Elbows can be straight or bent


The trunk extends upward from the waist, as if the trunk extended to the sky


Gently tuck in


Breathe steadily and evenly for 10-60 seconds


Close your palms and return to your chest


Put your left foot back on the ground and your arms to your side


Repeat on the other side


Relax and spread your weight evenly over your feet


I hope that through the practice of Yoga tree style can let you fade the haze of winter, make you full of energy and vitality, bloom together with spring!.


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