New Yoga Life

There are so many yoga actions, in fact, there are only seven categories! It’s more effective to understand your practice

How many yoga postures are there? In some classical yoga books, there are as many as 84000 yoga postures, and this is only a rough idea


Of course, don’t be frightened by this huge number


In the final analysis, it is enough for you to understand that yoga postures are divided into these seven categories


Sitting posture, forward bending, backward bending, side bending, torsion, balance and handstand


Because of the different yoga postures, the effects are different, and the feelings brought by different postures are also different, so today I would like to share with you these seven types of yoga




Sitting postures: simple sitting, auspicious sitting, perfect sitting, half lotus, full lotus, etc


Basically, some yoga meditation postures, sitting postures also need to maintain awareness, to relax, but not completely relax, the back should be straight


In this way, the breath can flow through the meridians, strengthen the nerves in the waist and sacral region, and let the body’s energy gather in the pelvic region




The common Yoga twisting postures include: kneeling posture, sitting posture, supine posture, balavaga style, marichi style, triple style, etc


Twist posture should cooperate with breathing, inhaling, extending, exhaling, deepening and twisting


Twist posture is the massage of spine, which can relieve the discomfort of waist and back


It can also make the spine more flexible and promote digestion




The common types of Yoga forward bending are: standing forward bending, strengthening side stretching, double angle, swan, baby, head touching knee and so on


In forward bending, you should pay attention to folding from the hip, really starting the core and keeping the extension of the spine


The key point is not to reach the legs, but the chest to the knees


To be stable and calm in the forward position is to bring the power of concentration and inner submission




The common Yoga backward bending types are: wheel type, pigeon type, King dance type, locust type, bow type, camel type and so on


What we should pay attention to is that the front side of the whole body (chest, thigh, calf) should be opened at a high point, and the most important point is to open the chest and start the backward bending from the thoracic vertebrae


In the backward bending posture, we can open the chest well, say goodbye to negative emotions, improve the bad posture such as round shoulder and hunchback, and make us more confident




The common Yoga side bending postures are: triangle, side angle, bolt, sitting posture, side bending, etc


what we should pay attention to in the side bending postures is to start the leg strength, center the hip, and extend the chest well


In the side bending posture, it can reduce the excess fat at the waist, beautify the waist line, increase the elasticity of the spine, and make the shoulders flexible




The common inverted three-dimensional yoga postures of handstand type are: shoulder handstand, head handstand, elbow handstand, hand handstand, etc


the inverted three-dimensional yoga postures should pay attention to: first of all, arm, abdomen, shoulder and other forces are very important, so that you can keep your body stable without effort, and squeeze to the cervical spine


Handstand is the king of postures


We all know its advantages, such as letting blood flow back, nourishing facial skin and delaying aging




The common yoga balance postures of balance class are: tree type, Eagle type, warrior three type, cross balance type, half moon type and so on


The balance postures should pay attention to establish the foundation, increase the leg and core strength, and psychological stability


Balance posture can make you feel elegant and stable


When your foundation is stable, the latter posture can be done well


Although there are many yoga postures, you can do it by mastering these seven categories: build a foundation, bend forward, create space, bend backward, open your heart and chest, bend sideways, twist sideways, stand upside down, support and balance with confidence, watch more dry goods in the video below, and remember to praise and pay attention! Teacher wechat, long press the following figure to identify the QR code, you can add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga supplies.


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