New Yoga Life

Thigh thick? It’s all sedentary! Stretch like this with yoga!

Due to the wrong posture and lack of exercise, the muscles will become too stretched and too tight


Yes, you heard it right, “too long” and “too tight”! We take the quadriceps femoris (the front side of thigh) as an example


It is composed of four heads, namely rectus femoris, medial femoris, external femoris and internal femoris


The tendon constitutes the largest sesamoid patella and patellar ligament in human body


The function of quadriceps femoris is to extend and bend the leg, thigh, knee and hip, and maintain the upright posture of human body


Interestingly, our quadriceps muscle is “over stretched” and “too tight”, because in general, the muscle is “too short and too tight due to over squeezing” or “too loose due to over stretching”


In order to understand this, let’s start from the usual standing posture


Many people usually stand with a belly out


The professional term is “pelvis forward”


For a long time, even if they don’t have a belly, they will be standing out


This is the Afterword


When the pelvis is tilted forward, the thigh bone is not aligned with the pelvis


The muscles at the back of the thigh will tighten and the front of the thigh will lengthen


At this time, the rectus femoris (the only muscle in the quadriceps femoris that connects with the hip) is under great pressure


What’s worse, in order to maintain this “out of position” posture, the front thigh needs extra force, causing quadriceps tension


Therefore, the quadriceps femoris is “over stretched” and “too tight”


How to stretch the front of the thigh with yoga? First step: start from the low lunge, with the right hand grasping the back of the left foot close to the hip


Second step: lift the inside of the right foot, with the right knee outward more, with the hip sinking more


Third step: support the ground with the left elbow, with the hip sinking more


Fourth step: with the head and chest sinking more


Therefore, pay attention to good posture, whether sitting, standing or lying, because it may lead to muscle injury The meat is unbalanced


At the same time, muscles need to exercise at the same time also need to stretch, do not lazy Oh! Copyright notice: the pictures and texts are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author


The infringement must be deleted




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