New Yoga Life

Yoga asana 57: Locust asana

The name of locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust




The locust style practice steps lie prone on the mat, hands on both sides of the body, feet apart and shoulder width, inhale to extend the spine, exhale and lift legs, hands back up


Pay attention to lift your legs up from the base of your thighs instead of using your feet


With your tailbone facing the ground, use the strength of your back to open your chest and extend the front of your body


With your shoulder blades back and down, keep your shoulders away from your ears






The details of locust style 5


The anatomy of locust style 5


Spine extension, legs extension, shoulder flexion, elbow extension 6


The auxiliary practice method of locust style (1) with the help of Yoga brick (2) with the help of Yoga extension belt (3) with the help of yoga chair (4) with the help of pillow Locust style can help digestion, and can eliminate stomach diseases and flatulence


It has a good effect on the treatment of various abdominal diseases


It can extend and strengthen the back strength, enhance the elasticity of the spine, and eliminate low back pain


It is also beneficial to some people with disc herniation, bladder or prostate diseases


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