New Yoga Life

Yoga to lose weight – 5 yoga moves to reduce belly

5 yoga moves to reduce belly, learn together! 1


Simple sitting and twisting: this posture can help you stretch your spine and eliminate back pain, and then help you massage your abdomen to reduce abdominal fat, so as to promote the peristalsis of digestive organs


Sit cross legged on a folded blanket with your pelvis level and your back straight


Inhale and lengthen the spine


As you exhale, stretch and turn back to the right


Place your left hand on your right thigh and your right hand on the edge of the blanket behind you


Hold for 30 seconds and then retract


Repeat the same action in the opposite direction




Half fish King effect: This is a more advanced twist


This torsion can work well in the abdominal area, and make a strong torsion of the diaphragm and abdominal belt


Its torsion force will be very strong and help to tighten the lumbar and abdominal muscles


We need to fold one leg at the bottom, let the sole of the foot stand upright on the ground, the upper foot across the outside of the knee, the toe and knee in a line, the upper leg should be vertical


You can put a blanket under the buttocks to prevent the pelvis from falling backward, so that the back can stand up


As you exhale, you can also inhale to stretch the spine, exhale to push the middle back into the body and increase torsion




Three functions of malich: This is very elegant for sitting posture, ensuring the verticality of the spine can help to close the belly and reduce the weight


Sit with your hips high, and place a blanket on the side of your bent leg to keep your pelvis at the same height


The lower support leg, heel and thigh surface should be pressed firmly to the ground, and the foot should be hooked to maintain the stability of the support, and twist with the exhalation


Twist to pay attention to the lower back up, do not bow


The whole spine is vertical


The lateral ribs on both sides should also be perpendicular to each other and be of equal length




Baladwaga function: This is a sitting practice


This posture can increase the blood supply of the spine, strongly massage the abdominal organs, promote digestion, it can be very good to eliminate stool, to help you reduce waist and abdomen fat


Sitting on the blanket


Raise the blanket so that both sides of the pelvis are equal rather than tilted


The legs are close to the knees, and then the upper folded legs, ankles on the soles of the feet, all toes are on the ground


Push both hands evenly, and turn the body with exhalation to turn the waist and abdomen to increase the vitality and blood supply of the spine




Lateral angle torsion: this posture can increase the blood supply to the spine


Open the legs more than one leg, then bend the front leg to 90 degrees, twist the upper body, and let the lower hand touch the ground


The bending of the arms and front legs should be held together


Use this resistance to help twist


The upper arm should be stretched over the head, and then the spine should be in a straight line, that is, from the fingertips of the upper hand to the heels of the hind feet


The whole body should be kept in a straight line without distortion, so as to fully lengthen the body


This one-piece transfer is more difficult than the triangle twist


If you can’t do it, you can pad bricks


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