New Yoga Life

When practicing yoga, why can we split but not cross?

When practicing yoga, many Gya people may have such an experience: they feel that they can complete the split very easily


Others and themselves feel that the hip joint is still relatively flexible, but the cross fork can’t go down all the time


I don’t know why? In fact, yoga split and horizontal fork seem to be the same hip opening movement, but in fact they are two completely different postures, and the requirements for hip joint are also completely different


They have the following two major differences: 1


Vertical fork and horizontal fork, the movement direction of the hip joint is different


Practicing yoga, people who know about anatomy all know that the hip joint has six major movement directions: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation and internal rotation( Horizontal adduction, horizontal abduction and circular rotation are relatively less used) if the pelvis is fixed, the motion direction of the hip joint is mainly flexion and extension, while the motion direction of the transverse hip joint is mainly abduction and external rotation


Therefore, to complete the Yoga vertical fork, the hip flexion and extension ability needs to be better, and to complete the Yoga horizontal fork, the hip joint needs to be more powerful abduction and external rotation ability




To complete the vertical fork and horizontal fork, the main muscle tissues involved are different


To complete the vertical fork, the elasticity requirements of the front thigh muscle group, iliopsoas muscle group, gluteus muscle group, hamstring muscle group and calf muscle group are relatively high


To complete the horizontal fork, the elasticity requirements of the adductor muscle group are relatively high


Therefore, even if many people can complete Yoga vertical fork very well, if the abduction and external rotation ability of hip joint is not enough, the elasticity of adductor muscle group is not enough, and the Yoga horizontal fork can not be opened, it is very normal


So, today I also share two sets of Yoga sequences, one for the vertical fork monkey and the other for the horizontal fork! Before practicing these two sets of sequences, it is recommended to add 3-5 times of Sunday warm-up! A set of get Yoga split Yoga sequence 1


Standing forward bending variant standing, put the right foot on the outside of the left foot, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, bend forward, hands in the front of the body, abdomen close to the thigh for 20-30 seconds, change the other side 2


Triangle twist + variant mountain posture standing, with feet slightly larger than the shoulder width, turn left foot to the left, body to the left, right foot forward, Inhale from the hip, extend the spine, exhale, bend forward, put both hands on both sides of the left foot, hold for 20-30 seconds


If you can, move the body to the left, put both hands on the left side of the body, hold for 20-30 seconds, change to the other side 3-5, horse riding + variant + semi Monkey Mountain stance, push the right foot backward, push the front foot to the ground, straighten the right leg, and make the left leg vertical, Place both hands on both sides of the left foot, bounce the hip 20-30 times, drop the right leg on the cushion surface, bend the right knee, keep the right foot close to the hip, hold the right foot sole with the left hand for 20-30 seconds, return to the horse riding style, move the body center of gravity backward, move the right thigh vertical cushion surface, stretch the left leg to exhale, bend forward and down, keep both hands on both sides of the left leg for 20-30 seconds, Lift the right leg backward and upward, stand on tiptoe on the left heel, bounce the right leg upward 10-15 times, return to dog down, change the other side 7


Soldier 3 variant, start from standing and bending forward, lift the left leg backward and upward with both hands in the front of the body, bounce up and down 10-5 times, change the other side 8


Split monkey pose, prepare two yoga bricks, start from the left horse riding pose, Stretch the Yoga brick with both hands slowly, and bounce the left leg up and down slowly and controlled for 10-15 times


Put the left Yoga brick under the left thigh and inhale


Try to straighten the right leg, lift the knee off the ground, and then restore


Repeat the above actions for 10-15 times dynamically, and practice a set of Yoga sequence of get horizontal fork on the other side Goddess type – dynamic exercise: the distance between feet is slightly larger than the hip, the toe is outward about 45 degrees, the knee is in the same direction as the toe, the hip joint is abducted and rotated outward, the hands are folded in front of the chest to exhale, the core is tightened, the hip is bent, the knee is bent, the squat is inhaled, and the dynamic exercise is 10-20 times


Pay attention to keep the knee and the toe in the same direction during the exercise, Continue to exhale with hands folded in front of the chest, tighten the core, alternate two feet on tiptoe, left and right on tiptoe for one time, dynamic exercise 10-20 groups 3


Goddess pose – keep static in goddess pose, stay for more than 30 seconds 4


Low side lunge – enter the side lunge from goddess pose dynamically, exhale, tighten the core, rotate the left hip outward, squat to the left side, and hook the right foot back to inhale, Dynamic exercise 10-20 group change the other side 5


Side lunge variant – dynamically maintain the upper body posture, exhale, tighten the core, rotate the left hip inward, rotate the left hip outward, restore the side lunge dynamic exercise 10-20 group, change the other side 6


High side lunge – keep the left side lunge static for more than 30 seconds, change the other side 7, Open your feet a little more than your hips and toes 45 degrees outward, exhale, bend your knees and squat to exhale, tighten your perineum, keep your back straight, put your hands together in front of your chest, and hold your elbows against your inner thighs for more than 30 seconds




Sit on your back in the angle supine position against the wall, enter the angle position from the backward arrow, exhale, tighten your core, open your legs to both sides, and relax completely, Stay for 3-5 minutes, teacher wechat can long press the figure below to identify the QR code, add the point, and enter the yoga supplies selection in the lower left corner.


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