Women often practice this yoga posture to maintain their ovaries and thin thighs!

Baddha konasana  ) For women, there are many benefits, is very suitable for women to practice yoga posture


Beam angle is an excellent posture for women, not only beautify the appearance, but also adjust the inner, you can practice more in your spare time


It is recommended to practice for more than one minute each time


If you need to activate the thigh and hip ▷   Put a yoga brick between the soles of the feet, with the soles of the feet facing the direction of the ceiling; ▷   Support your hands behind you to keep your spine extended




If the hip is too tight, 3


If you can use the variant of arcuate back angle style, 1


Supine beam angle style ▽▷   Lie down with the soles of your feet opposite and your knees down for 3-5 minutes




Beam angle type against the wall   Put a yoga brick between the walls to straighten the spine and open the chest


PS: in addition, the beam angle type is also very suitable for pregnancy practice, can open the hip, give the abdomen enough space, conducive to natural labor


For women, the beam angle style is definitely the one who has practiced the gospel of the lower body


It’s a good style that a pregnant woman can practice


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