New Yoga Life

Yoga asana 76: half dove

The name of the half dove: halfpigeonpose in English, ardhakapotasana in Sanskrit, Ardha means “half” and kapota means “dove and Dove”




The practice steps of the half pigeon pose: start from the lower dog pose, take a big step forward with the right foot, bend the knee and the right leg close to the ground, parallel the right leg and hip (beginners can simplify the practice, first close to the hip), the hip neutral position towards the front, straighten the left leg


Exercise 1: inhale, straighten up the spine, exhale, relax the shoulders, hands on both sides of the body exercise 2: bend the elbow on the cushion surface, spine extension exercise 3: lie prone on the cushion surface, hands arms straight, forehead point, hands arms extended, or hands overlapping, head on the back of the hands 3


Right and wrong comparison diagram of semi pigeon and figure of body details 4


Auxiliary practice method of semi pigeon (1) Auxiliary practice method of Yoga brick (2) auxiliary practice method of Yoga brick and pillow (3) auxiliary practice method of blanket and pillow (4) auxiliary practice method of blanket (5) preparation practice sequence of semi pigeon (5) benefits of semi pigeon to open chest, massage abdominal organs, promote digestion, improve respiratory system function, increase blood oxygen supply, strengthen the body function To train the muscles of the front thigh and buttock, stimulate the gallbladder meridian, help to detoxify and repair, and improve the quality of sleep




Half pigeon taboo hip pain and low back pain of Jiaren, it is recommended to practice under the guidance of professional teachers, beginners should pay special attention to the extension of the spine, hip neutral position and the stability of the foundation! Click into the video number below to watch more dry goods, remember to like + pay attention! Teacher wechat can long press the figure below to identify the QR code, add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga products.


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