Yoga “locust” seems simple, 90% of beginners are wrong!

Source: yogi (ID: yoga)_ Locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust locust


It seems simple


90% of beginners often make the following mistakes: first, shrink the neck


Because the back and shoulders are tense, the neck will shrink and shrug


You should turn the shoulders back and down, away from the ears, to find the extension of the back of the neck


Second, bend the knees


Some beginners think it’s too hard to straighten their legs, and they can’t reach it, so they just bend the knees


This is wrong, For beginners, you can start with a simple variant: lie down, keep your legs together and straight, raise your hands with palms up, keep your chin on the ground with the back of your hands and arms close to the ground


For beginners, you can just raise one leg, or even find cat tail pulling, Similarly, most people have a misunderstanding of locust style when they find the extension of the spine


They think it’s very simple and not difficult


In fact, it should be because it hasn’t been done in place or kept for a long time


Locust pose can actually exercise the strength of the back of the body – back, buttocks, back of the legs, improve the chest hunchback, and prepare for advanced backward bending pose


How to enter locust form correctly? Please follow the Yoga editor to read on: 1


Preparation posture: · prone to prepare, chin point to the ground ·   Put your hands on both sides of your body, palms facing down, keep your feet together, big toes touching, little toes pressing on the ground, and keep your body in the same line as possible




Locust style: use your thighs to push your knees away from the mat, your toes extending far away, your thighs pushing your legs up, tightening your buttocks and legs muscles, extending the front of your body, and your back pushing your upper body up, and your shoulders away from your ears, Feel the contraction at the back of your body




Auxiliary tools if you want to come to a deeper backward bend, you can pad yoga bricks in the front of your legs and under your abdomen to keep your eyes looking straight ahead naturally and make your neck in a state of natural extension


Exercise efficacy: · effectively lift your hips and legs, make your spine stretch strongly and increase its flexibility   Strengthen back muscles, relieve lower back pain, recuperate abdominal muscles, digestive system, bladder and other organs.


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