New Yoga Life

Yoga asana 80: twist the half moon

In Sanskrit, parivrtta Ardha chandrasana means “rotation”, Ardha means “half” and Chandra means “Moon”




Step 1: start from standing and bending forward, put your hands in front of your body, slightly bend your right knee, step back with your left foot, inhale, slowly lift your left leg backward and upward, then slowly straighten your right leg, touch the ground with your fingers or put it on the Yoga brick to help maintain your balance


Press down the big pillow of the lower foot, lift the arch of the foot, keep the hips at the same height on both sides, twist the trunk to the right, open the chest, lift the right arm up to the sky, look at the direction of the upper finger tips (beginners can see the ground in early practice), keep the spine extended, legs straight, upper leg in a straight line with the spine, and push the heel backward


The second way to enter: from the warrior type 2, twist the spine to the right, insert the waist with the right hand, put the left hand in the front of the leg, exhale, step forward with the left foot, put the left hand in front of the right foot, keep the arm vertical with the ground, slowly straighten the left leg upward, straighten the lower leg, extend the upper arm, extend the spine, and open the chest




The detail and linear figure of the twist half moon 4


The anatomical figure of the twist half moon 5


The auxiliary practice method of the twist half moon (1) with the help of the Yoga brick (2) with the help of the wall (3) with the help of the yoga chair (6) the benefits of the twist half moon


This posture can help to open the shoulders, hips and pelvis, strengthen the legs, strengthen the body and the body Feet and core, stretch legs, especially hamstrings, to improve the balance of the body




The contraindications of twisting the half moon pose are lumbar disc herniation and ankylosing spondylitis


It is recommended that you do not do this pose at will


Beginners are advised to practice under the guidance of professional teachers


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