New Yoga Life

Yoga shoulder too stiff how to do? Six moves to open your shoulders

At the beginning of yoga, many people have stiff shoulders


Stiff shoulders are the result of shoulder pressure accumulation, which can lead to shoulder and neck pain, scapulohumeral periarthritis, cervical spondylosis and other problems


Practicing yoga can flex the shoulders and release pressure


When practicing yoga for a period of time, if you want to challenge advanced postures, if the shoulders are stiff, there will be some restrictions, so you need to do some extra shoulder opening movements


Today, I recommend 6 yoga moves to open your shoulders


Whether you have sore neck or want to improve your shoulder flexibility, they are very suitable for you! A group of yoga movements with open shoulders: first, sit with Vajra, hold the yoga belt in both hands, walk from the front side of the body to the back side, and then from the back side to the front side, keep the arm straight, keep the rope taut, repeat 30 times


Second, lie down, straighten the right hand to the right, push the left hand down, turn the body to the right, hold for 1 minute, change sides, and then bend the right elbow 90 degrees, Repeat stretching for 1 minute, change sides 3: lie down, cross your hands under the neck left and right, keep palms up for 1 minute, then change the front and back position, do another action 4: kneel down, bend your elbows, put your hands on the Yoga brick, keep your hands on the back of the neck for 1 minute 5: kneel down, put your left arm on the Yoga brick, and extend your right hand to the left, Hold for 1 minute, side change 6: stand, feet open parallel, legs straight, hands behind the fingers cross buckle, fold forward and down, hands as close to the ground as possible to keep 1 minute, it is recommended to practice this set of movements every day, can make the shoulder joint more flexible, release pressure


Practice before going to bed every day,   Can also promote sleep Oh! Long press the QR code of the video number below to identify and pay attention to it, and share more knowledge about women’s health every day.


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