Physiological period is the most suitable yoga posture! No one

First of all, menstruation is definitely able to practice yoga


Proper Yoga not only won’t cause harm to the body, but also can promote the blood circulation of the whole body, reduce the pelvic congestion during menstruation, thus can play a role in reducing abdominal pain


But there are two points to note: be sure to avoid hip height and abdominal posture, such as head handstand


Do not do the abdomen received a strong squeeze posture, such as locust style


So, what is the most suitable posture for physiological period? Of course – supine bunching




Advantages of supine bundle angle: supine bundle angle can help regulate blood pressure, relieve lower back pain, relieve varicose veins and sciatica, relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids, and improve dyspepsia and flatulence


Especially for female friends, it can also relieve dysmenorrhea


As the saying goes, pain doesn’t work


When practicing supine beam angle, the position of abdominal cavity is fully expanded, which is conducive to the circulation of menstrual blood


So, have dysmenorrhea friends, must practice supine beam angle




Supine bunching style: sit and stand, adjust the position and height of the yoga mat, put your hands on the back of your hips, press the yoga mat, bend your elbows, slowly lie on the yoga mat, with your feet facing each other, your knees down to the floor, relax your hands, and naturally put them on both sides of your body, you can also lift your arms, This is helpful to open the chest




Supine beam angle auxiliary method: use yoga brick auxiliary practice method: use yoga stretching belt auxiliary practice: use yoga pillow auxiliary practice: use yoga brick Yoga pillow auxiliary practice: in addition to menstruation, usually can also practice this posture


For example, lie in bed before going to bed at night, do supine beam angle type 5-10 minutes to sleep; Or in the mood when irritable practice, can help quickly repair energy, calm mood..


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