5 Yoga variants to stabilize the rotator cuff and strengthen the core! Do try

It’s hard to avoid boredom to repeat the same postures every day


In fact, there are many variants of yoga, which not only enhance the interest of yoga, but also require higher physical strength! Today, I’d like to share with you five super practical Yoga variants


You will find that there is a little change in the asana, which can not only make the practice more interesting, but also make the feeling and effect of practice very different! 1


This variant can not only strengthen the arm and core strength, but also strengthen the quadriceps femoris




Bridge variant bridge preparation


Inhale with palms of both hands pressed, exhale with hips raised, and step on the ground with palms of left feet, Raise the right leg to do knee flexion and extension


Pay attention to tightening the core and gluteus muscle for 12 times


This variant can not only strengthen the core and gluteus muscle, but also stretch the iliopsoas muscle




Four legged support variant, exhale with both knees on both hands, tighten the core, lift the knee off the ground, lower leg parallel to the ground, bend the right leg forward to find the right hand, then twist to the left to find the left elbow to inhale, Dynamic exercise for 12 times on each side


This variant can strengthen the knee joint and strengthen the core and arm strength at the same time




Bridge type strengthen the variant bridge type preparation, press the palms of both hands to inhale, lift the hip to exhale upward, lift the right leg to straighten up, draw a circle, and pay attention to the tightening of the core and gluteal muscles


This variant can not only strengthen the strength of the lower back, but also can flex the hip joint


5 On the basis of the tiger style, the tiger style enhanced variant strengthens the knees off the ground, inhales, lifts the right leg backward, stretches the left hand forward, and exercises 12 times dynamically on each side


This variant not only needs a strong core strength, but also needs a good sense of body balance


These five Yoga variants can be arranged into daily yoga practice to increase the interest of the practice, and at the same time, it also needs a good sense of body balance, Yoga teachers can also be added to the scheduling sequence, so that the classroom more diverse, quickly collect it-   recommend  – Long press to identify the QR code, pay attention to yoga station, let’s do yoga together


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