New Yoga Life

When doing yoga, be careful that your face will turn ugly after half a year

/NO.64                         ( How to relieve the pain when practicing locust style? In order to activate the strength of the legs, you can clip a yoga brick in the thigh or ankle


What method does muscle ache have to alleviate after yoga? You can take a bath with warm water or take a shower with warm water on the night after practicing yoga, and then you can massage the sore part properly by yourself, which can relieve the pain


When practicing yoga, sometimes you can’t breathe and breathe with your mouth


Is that ok? You can’t hold your breath and open your mouth when practicing yoga


Breathing with your mouth will make your face bigger and uglier


If you are out of breath, you’d better take a rest and then practice


Can you practice yoga with your eyes closed? In addition to rest technique, other postures do not recommend closing your eyes


Closing your eyes does make you feel more attentive, but you also lose the opportunity to practice your conscious concentration


The essence of yoga is to make your consciousness more attentive


Is the bow’s center of gravity in the pelvis or abdomen? According to the light of yoga, the bow is on the abdomen, not the pelvis or the chest


The center of gravity is on the abdomen! If you like, give us a look! If there is infringement, please contact to delete- THANKSFORREADING- to learn more about yoga style, please pay attention to “Yoga” ilianyujia official account and reply to the body key word yoga.


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