Yoga – don’t practice for the sake of practice!

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According to their own characteristics to adjust to their own practice content


  Do a posture


If you are confused or puzzled, stop and wait for your inner guidance


We should restrain the state of impatience when encountering difficulties


Everyone has different characteristics


Everyone tends to use their own strong characteristics


The purpose of practicing yoga is not to change our natural characteristics, but to expand our choices, so that we will not lose balance and limit our growth because of inertia


Allow yourself to move with your breath, so that your posture is not a mechanical imitation, not just for accurate demonstration, but an open result, not a fixed answer


When we become more and more proficient in asana with the deepening of practice, we should give up too much persistence and let ourselves move with our breath and heart, so that you are not ˋ do ˊ Asana is a way to show the rhythm of life through you


It doesn’t matter what you practice


What matters is whether you become better or more greedy after practice


Practice is a double-edged sword, which can cut off miscellaneous thoughts and also stab good thoughts


The direction of the heart is the direction of practice


At the beginning of yoga practice, as a beginner, it is more important for you to learn to calm down than to learn alignment, breathing and other methods


Slow down, less desire, less demand, put down some, slow down some, change some, this is a better start, a new start, in the future I will certainly thank myself now


Yoga people feel that the greatest concern for their families and lovers is to bring yoga to their elderly parents when they are young to help them relieve their physical discomfort


Let your parents experience the yoga you love in the new year


In our old age, we have a good body through years of persistent practice, do not trouble their children, can own a wonderful life full of vitality, is not a pain alive, but a healthy life


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