Yoga “warrior I” must bend knees 90 ° ? No……

In fact, there are many misunderstandings about yoga warrior type I


today, I would like to tell you five of the most common ones




Misunderstanding 1: the hip should be placed properly, the heel should step on the ground, the thigh is external rotation, and the pelvis will not be placed completely


If you force yourself to straighten your pelvis, the inside of your feet will collapse and your knees will twist


Solution: keep your back legs out and your pelvis back a little


Activate the gluteal muscles on the side of the hind leg so that the thighs and legs are in the right position without twisting the knees


Sit down and look for the ground


Press the outside of the back foot to the ground and lift the arch of the foot




Misunderstanding 2: 45 in the back foot ° Can foot buckle inside 45 ° It’s related to the flexibility of the calf muscles


If the calf muscles are flexible enough, they can reach 45 °, It’s even more buttoned up (parallel to the front foot) and the heel can step on the floor


Solution: if the calf muscles are too tight, you can make the angle a little larger


At this time, the thigh needs to rotate more to protect the knee, which means that the hip is more incorrect


If the back foot needs to be opened more than 70 degrees °, It’s better to lift your heels




Misunderstanding 3: the heel must be stepped on the ground


If the calf muscles are too tight, and in order to protect the knee and thigh, the heel can be lifted up and the hip can be straightened out


Solution: a small triangular foam brick can be placed in the heel and foot arch to help stabilize the roots




Misunderstanding 4: it’s good to align the back heel and the front heel, but it’s difficult for many students to balance and stabilize after alignment


Solution: first, the horizontal distance of the two feet is the same width as the hip, and then do the same


After the hip, leg open, and then slowly reduce the horizontal distance


Misunderstanding 5: the front knee must be bent 90 ° Bend 90 ° It’s standard, but if the calf muscles are too tight, it’s hard to bend 90 degrees ° Yes


In addition, if the hip flexors are too tight, bending the knee too much will squeeze the lower back


Solution: reduce the longitudinal distance between your feet


After a little closer, the hip flexor will be more relaxed, and the tailbone is easy to extend


The calf muscles don’t stretch that much


Or, keep your feet at the same distance, move your upper body forward slightly, align your spine with your pelvis, reduce pressure on your lower back, and better extend your spine


It’s actually a complex pose and a good opportunity to find physical awareness


Try the above methods to find your own warrior


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