1 set of Female Yoga sequence comparable to the effect of handstand. Practice often to make you radiant!

Practicing yoga, we all know that often practicing inverted three-dimensional posture can let the blood flow back to the head, nourish the head and make the face ruddy and beautiful! But for some yoga beginners or Jiaren with neck injuries, they can’t practice handstand


What poses can they choose instead of handstand? Today, Xiaobian shares a female Yoga sequence comparable to the effect of handstand


The posture is simple, but it also has the effect of inverted three-dimensional


You who love beauty must not miss it! 01


Simply sit with your legs crossed naturally


When you enter the simple sitting, place a yoga blanket under the sitting bone to keep the spine extended and stay for 3 minutes




Enter the downward dog pose, with your legs shoulder width apart, push the ground with both hands and pedal the ground with both feet, and extend the spine


The sitting bone is backward and upward, and stay for 5-8 breaths




Stand forward flexion, exit from the downward dog pose, and move your legs forward to enter the standing forward flexion, Bend your knees slightly, put your head down the Yoga brick, and stop for 5-8 breaths




In the double angle pose, withdraw from the standing forward flexion, enter the double angle extended inhalation, extend your spine and exhale upward, tighten the core, fold your hips forward, bend your hands to the ground, and stop for 5-8 breaths




Lie on your back in the plow, put a yoga blanket under your shoulders, exhale and tighten your abdomen, bend your knees and exert force close to the gluteal muscles of your abdomen, Push your legs back and straighten your sitting bones to find the feeling of lifting up


Stay for 5-8 breaths 06


Shoulder handstand enters shoulder handstand from plow, exhale, tighten the core, open the chest, retract the shoulder blades, and start the inner thigh and perineum inward with your elbows for 5-8 breaths 07


After exiting from shoulder handstand in baby style, turn slowly and lie on the mat, enter baby style, adjust and stay for 10-12 breath08 Supine twist spine supine position, enter the supine twist spine inhale, straighten your legs, turn to the right, hold the outside of the left ankle with your right hand, exhale, tighten the core, turn your head to the left and stay for 10-12 breaths, change sides 09, bridge supine position, bend your knees into the bridge exhale, tighten the core, roll your tailbone up, put a yoga brick under the lumbosacral, and naturally land your hands on the side, Stay for 1 minute tops: for beginners or Jia people with neck injuries, you can skip the shoulder handstand pose and practice the next pose directly! Long press the QR code of the video number below to identify and pay attention, and share more women’s health knowledge every day.


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