New Yoga Life

Can yoga lose weight?? I’ll make it clear to you once!

Can yoga lose weight? Have you found that most people are fat in one or two parts, not really fat, and the reason for these parts of obesity is caused by bad posture! For example, people with thick backs and arms worship meat are mostly caused by the rotation of shoulder blades caused by the long-term posture of hunchback with chest! Another example: the whole body is not fat anywhere, but the lower abdomen is particularly fat, which may be caused by abdominal transverse muscle weakness or pelvic forward tilt! Another example: some people have particularly thick thighs, which may be caused by arch problems, XO legs or pelvic problems! So, if you ask me whether yoga is suitable for weight loss, I want to answer you that yoga can! Yoga can help improve our bad posture, help the bones return to normal position, and make your body more symmetrical, tall and straight, and more temperament! In addition, the following 4 points can also well verify that yoga can help lose weight! 1、 Yoga changes your bad habits


In the seven branches of the Yoga Sutra, people who practice yoga for a long time should follow: making precepts


This precept is not only a pose, but also affects your life


It makes you understand that staying up late will lead to energy imbalance in your body, increase your fire element, and easily lead to damp heat in the spleen and stomach and induce obesity! So if you want to keep fit, you have to see if you are used to staying up late? Lack of exercise and so on! 2、 Yoga changes your dietary orientation


The view of “three points of practice and seven points of eating” also applies to yoga


It is an important principle for weight loss


Many people do not pay attention to their diet before they come into contact with yoga


They like to eat high calories, eat late nights and like frozen food, which will lead to obesity! Adhering to yoga can improve people’s awareness and control over the body


They will choose to eat high-fat and high calorie foods


The body prefers foods with high fiber content such as vegetables and fruits, and slowly establish healthy eating habits, which is also beneficial to weight loss! 3、 Adhering to yoga can improve metabolism and consume calories


Compared with strength exercises such as equipment, yoga has a slow effect on weight loss, but it can act on deep muscles


People who have practiced yoga know that it is necessary to mobilize the muscles of the whole body to really do the asana in place


According to the survey, strength yoga exercises every 60 minutes can consume at least 200-300 calories, Now many new yoga schools have been derived, which have higher requirements for strength


It can help improve body metabolism and consume more calories! 4、 Yoga can regulate endocrine disorders


Many people become fat


In fact, it has a lot to do with endocrine disorders


In modern society, life and work are under great pressure


Many women will have hormone and endocrine disorders, leading to obesity


Women who adhere to yoga for many years can balance the secretion in the body, help the balance of various hormones in the body, and play a good role in maintaining physical balance, Endocrine balance, the body’s functions will return to normal, for weight loss is also helpful! So yoga can certainly lose weight, but it is not limited to losing weight! Click the video number below to watch more dry goods


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