New Yoga Life

The best summer for yoga is coming!

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   Why do people often say that summer is the golden time to practice yoga? What problems do you need to pay attention to when practicing yoga in this hot summer? Today, let’s discuss the reasons for summer yoga practice! 1 six reasons for practicing yoga in summer 01 | reasons one summer because of the hot weather, you can wear all kinds of light and comfortable yoga clothes, which are not easy to catch a cold, comfortable to wear, easy to carry, bright colors, elegant and simple, as you choose


02 | reason 2: summer is a holiday and leisure season


It’s suitable to go to the beach and practice yoga on the soft beach


It’s also a kind of enjoyment and relaxation


03 | reason 3 summer is a good time to show your body


Practice yoga to correct your posture


When will you stay if you don’t practice at this time? 04 | reason: the weather in the fourth summer is warm, the Qi and blood are unobstructed, and the body is easy to stretch


With targeted yoga practice, you can expel the cold air from the body, detoxify and beautify your face


Oh ~05 | reason: in the fifth summer, people’s mood is affected by the hot weather, and they are prone to irritability and anxiety


At this time, when you practice yoga, calm down and cool down naturally! 06 | reason 6: I sweat a lot in summer


If it is the easiest season to lose weight, it must be in summer


With a healthy diet and reasonable exercise, you will lose weight casually this summer ~ ~ in summer, the temperature is relatively high, you will sweat a lot, the blood and Qi of the human body are relatively unblocked, and the limbs are relatively stretched


At this time, practicing yoga is not only easy, but also the fully stretched body will become more relaxed and comfortable


Especially for friends with arthritis, some targeted yoga exercises in summer will help to expel the cold and congestion in the body in time, and will have an unexpected effect on alleviating the damaged joints


Therefore, you Jiayou must speed up your pace and join the ranks of summer Yoga ~ ~2 so, what problems should you pay attention to when practicing yoga in summer? While focusing on yoga practice in summer, we can’t ignore the following problems! 1


Replenish water in time


Because the temperature is high at this time, the human body will sweat a lot during practice, so there will be a lot of water loss in the body


Therefore, we should pay attention to supplement water in time to prevent heatstroke


Generally speaking, if the intensity of practice is not high and the amount of sweating is not great, you can drink 1 ~ 2 glasses of water before and after practice


Yoga practitioners whose main purpose is to lose weight should drink a glass of water before practice and after exercise every 30 minutes


This is only a general statement, and the details have to be determined according to the practitioner’s own situation


When replenishing water, you can add a little salt to restore your physical fitness


  2 don’t take a cold bath


After practicing yoga, don’t drink cold drinks, blow the air conditioner and take a cold bath immediately because you want to be cool for a while


It’s best to take a hot bath after a short rest and replenishment of water (not a cold bath)


3 pay attention to proper exercise


The loss of sweat will take away some minerals in the body, such as potassium and sodium


Therefore, in the diet, we should pay attention to supplement some fruits and vegetables rich in minerals


For example, eat more fruits such as bananas and oranges


Vegetables such as mushrooms, broccoli and peanuts should be eaten often


In summer, the temperature is high, the human body consumes a lot, and the practitioners with low blood sugar, weak Qi and blood and poor intestines and stomach will be weaker at this time


Therefore, we should grasp the amount of movement during practice


For beginners, you should also pay attention not to practice too much at this time


It is best to practice for about 30 minutes each time


If you feel dizziness, chest tightness, nausea and other symptoms, you should stop practicing immediately and rest in a place with fresh air, good ventilation or normal room temperature


  The basic requirement of yoga practice is to practice on an empty stomach, but you can eat liquid food 1 hour before practice to avoid hypoglycemia due to excessive hunger


  In the hot summer, yoga can calm your inner irritability, turn the muggy to the outside, and feel the cool from the inside to the outside


Isn’t this feeling exactly what we are looking for at this time? The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source).


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