New Yoga Life

Why do yoga beginners always have wrist pain? Pay attention to these two points to help you solve them perfectly

  For beginners of yoga, 90% of practitioners have felt wrist pain after practice! In fact, the structure of the wrist is very exquisite, but it is also very fragile! The carpal tunnel is composed of nerves, blood vessels and tendons


When practicing yoga, if the force is improper or the wrist is excessively “pressed / folded”, it is easy to cause injury to the nerves, blood vessels, tendons and other soft tissues in the carpal tunnel, resulting in pain! There are the following two reasons for wrist pain: 1


When practicing supporting posture, the core is weak




The strength of arm, shoulder and back is weak, resulting in wrist force


How to avoid pain? In addition to strengthening the core, arm, shoulder and back strength, we should also pay attention to practicing the wrist and finger grasping ability


This sequence is particularly effective! Action 01


Push the thumb and the other four fingers against each other, hold each finger for 3-5 breaths, and put the palm flat, respectively tilt up one point, hold each finger for 3-5 breaths, and repeat 8-10 times


Action 02


Hand grasping the ball, find a hollow ball, pinch the ball with the thumb and index finger, hold the ball with five fingers after 3-5 breaths, hold 3-5 breaths, repeat 8-10 times, and then change the opposite side 03 Put the elastic band flat on the palm, put the five fingers together, and expand the thumb outward with force, stop for 3-5 breaths, bow and raise the palm, and then press it down with force, and Practice for 8-10 times


04, as shown in the figure above, bend the thumb close to the tail finger, and then expand it outward with force


After repeated practice for 8-10 times, change the other side


05, with the thumb outside, clench the fist, open the palm, and expand the fingers with force, Repeatedly practice 8-10 times of five fingers bending inward, practice 8-10 times of action 06


Kneel and stand on the yoga mat, spread the five fingers of both hands as far as possible to inhale, keep the palms of both hands compacted on the mat, exhale, rotate the body clockwise, keep the palms motionless, dynamically practice 10-20 times of action 07


Kneel and stand, press the cushion surface with both hands and wrists relative to the palms, and move the body clockwise for 10-20 times of action 08


Kneel and stand, Exhale with your fingertips towards your body, move your body’s center of gravity backward, feel the stretch at the connection between your wrist and the inner side of your forearm, dynamically practice 10-20 actions 09, kneeling posture, inhale with your wrist straight in front, lift your wrist off the ground, push your fingertips to exhale, compact the pad surface of your palm and wrist, dynamically practice 10-20 actions 10, kneeling posture, clench your hands, inhale with your finger joint surface on the ground, and your body’s center of gravity backward, Exhale with the fist face off the ground, move the center of gravity forward, and press the fist face on the ground for 10-20 times


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