In yoga class, there is a noise in the joints. Can you continue to practice?

When we pay attention to yoga practice on the way of yoga, our joints often make such a sound


People are worried about their health


Where does this crisp sound come from? The sound made by human joints during movement is called joint bounce


Joint bounce can be divided into physiological and pathological categories


Pathological joint bounce is very complex (consult orthopedic doctors about its etiology, pathology, treatment and prognosis)


NO.1   Pathological joint snapping pain or soreness, long snapping, often occur in the meniscus, especially in people who have suffered meniscus sprain and wear


This sound may represent the re injury of the meniscus


Pathological joint bounce is caused by joint injury, disease or structural variation, resulting in rough synovium, relaxation of joint capsule and ligament, tendon hyperplasia or tendon sheath stenosis, rupture of joint disc and falling off of articular cartilage


It will produce bounce due to the friction of joint tissue during movement


It can be divided into osteogenic, synovial and tenogenic according to different etiology and pathology


Its sound can be crisp, dull or frosted


Most of them are accompanied by pain or discomfort, and can occur continuously


No.2 physiological joint bounce physiological joint bounce is a crisp, single and painless burst sound from the joint cavity


According to the sound, it can be divided into three kinds: 1   The sound is mostly crisp “click” or “click”


The tone is high and there is no pain


This kind of bouncing sound is more common


It usually occurs when we move our joints, break our fingers and twist our wrists


This bouncing sound is caused by the structure of the joint


There are gas and synovial fluid in the joint capsule


When we squeeze and twist, we will squeeze the gas away and make a sound


If the body makes such a sound, it is harmless to health, but it will damage strength


Castrano, an American sports scientist, has studied that deliberately making (finger) joints sound for a long time will reduce (grip strength) joint strength, so try to get rid of this habit


two   The sound is dull “bang” or “click”, the tone is high, and there is no pain


There is a bouncing sound due to friction and collision on the joint surface


This phenomenon is more common in exercise


For example, when squatting and hard pulling, knee joints and hip joints often make a bouncing sound; Or long-term inactivity, such as sitting for a long time, may also make a pop between the waist and hip


The common situation is that you don’t exercise for a long time


When you suddenly start training (especially heavy training), it is very easy to have this kind of bounce sound; In addition, there is no warm-up or insufficient warm-up before exercise


Because of the long-term elastic sound, it will wear the cartilage tissue, which is very fragile and basically irreversible after injury


Therefore, when this problem occurs for a long time, it is necessary to find the cause and correct it in time


If it cannot be found, it is recommended to see a doctor to check whether it is lack of joint synovial fluid




Make a “quack” or “squeak” middle tone without pain


This bouncing sound is more common in elbows and hips


It usually occurs when tendons or fascia sweep to raised bones, which has little impact on health


Physiological joint bounce is common in the mature stage of joint development, does not occur in childhood, is rare or weak in children, is common in middle-aged and young, and gradually decreases in old age


NO.3   How to distinguish the two kinds of joint bounce? The characteristics of physiological joint bounce are as follows: 1


It only occurs when the joint is suddenly pulled or flexed; 2


The joint must have a certain period of quiescence before bouncing; 3


The sound is crisp, single and non repetitive; 4


It is not accompanied by pain or discomfort


It often feels relaxed after playing


Common “bouncing sound”: PS: although physiological joint bouncing sound often occurs in joints, attention must be paid to when a part of the body that has never been elastic sends out obvious bouncing sound


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