New Yoga Life

[Daole theory] Issue 8: can chikuo yoga help me change my habit of hesitation?

  Trulkhoryoga ▍ Daole said that the eighth issue of No.8 relaxation yoga is mainly to improve your concentration.

When your concentration reaches a certain level, you will think about everything in a comprehensive, detailed and thorough manner.

When you can think of things thoroughly and thoroughly, you will naturally have the final answer and decision without hesitation! ↑ Click to view the video.

Can Chi Kuo yoga help me change my hesitant habit/// Why do you hesitate when things happen? Because it’s possible that you don’t think about it in detail, and you don’t consider the cause and effect of it thoroughly, so you can’t decide.

Why not think in detail? This is also the reason why there are too many distractions.

When you think about this thing, there will be many other distractions that will disrupt your thinking, resulting in the things you think can’t continue to think about, let alone think thoroughly, because there are many other ideas mixed in the middle.

Chi Kuo yoga is mainly to improve your concentration.

When your concentration reaches a certain level, you will think about everything in a comprehensive, detailed and thorough way.

When you can think of things thoroughly and thoroughly, you will naturally have the final answer and decision without hesitation! YOGATrulkhoryogacanimprove   Relaxation yoga can improve your concentration-.

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