New Yoga Life

Yoga, no feeling? 12 common yoga postures, so practice super feeling!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga, often do not feel? Do actions, always feel not deep? Today, I’d like to share 12 common yoga postures.

It feels super strong to practice with the help of yoga bricks.

Let’s try it together: action 1: kneel and stand on the cushion surface, with the legs separated slightly larger than the hips, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, bend forward and down, put the yoga bricks under the forehead, relax the shoulders, and put the yoga bricks under the forehead, which is suitable for the shoulders, neck Jiaren with tense back can reduce the pain of stretching and make you more comfortable in this pose.

Action 2: keep the big worship pose and put the Yoga brick under the elbow.

Using the Yoga brick in this pose can more strongly feel the stretching of the arm and chest and cooperate with breathing, Stay for 1-2 minutes action 3: there are two uses of yoga bricks in downward dog pose.

The first is for beginners to support yoga bricks under their hands when practicing downward dog pose.

Yoga bricks can be stretched in equal length.

In downward dog pose, they can feel more comfortable.

The feeling of spine and arm extension is more obvious.

Yoga bricks can be placed under their feet.

This version is suitable for yoga practitioners with strong ability.

Action 4: many beginners are practicing When standing and bending forward, the lumbar spine is always used to compensate for the force, The solution to the discomfort of the waist is to put yoga bricks under your hands to increase the height and bend your knees appropriately to help bend your hips.

In this way, you will feel more comfortable in standing forward bending, and the extension of legs and spine will be relatively strong.

The advanced version is suitable for Jiaren with strong hip flexion ability.

You can try to pad yoga bricks under both feet to enhance the extension of legs and back.

5: from downward dog to horse riding to do yoga Put the yoga bricks on both sides of the body.

Using the yoga bricks can help straighten the hips, so as to better extend the spine.

Open the groin and chest upward.

Action 6: using the yoga bricks in the triangular extension can greatly enhance the stability of the posture.

Placing the yoga bricks below the hands supporting the ground can better help extend the spine.

Both sides of the waist can better stretch in equal length.

Advanced version: strong ability People can try to practice the strengthening triangle, hold the Yoga brick in their hands and push the Yoga brick inward, so that the stretching feeling of the side waist will be stronger.

Action 7: for members with a certain practice foundation, they can put the Yoga brick on the outside of the ankle and increase the space of the lumbar spine when bending back: for beginners, the waist is generally stiff and the front side of the body is tight Zhang suggested practicing this version of placing bricks under the knees and holding bricks inside the thigh to stabilize the pelvis.

8: for beginners of yoga, lying heroes are difficult.

You can do a backward version and put the yoga bricks behind you, Bend the elbow forearm support brick and slowly feel the opening of the chest and the stretching of the front side of the body.

This practice can well reduce the pressure of the lumbar spine.

Advanced version: for members with a certain practice foundation, you can put the Yoga brick under the thoracic vertebra to better feel the opening action of the front side of the body.

9: Yoga newcomers have high pressure on the hip joint when practicing beam angle pose due to the tension of the hip joint Yoga bricks on the outside of the knees on both sides can well reduce the pressure of the hip joint.

The yoga bricks on the back of the neck can be placed or not.

The advanced version: the second method can place bricks on the sacrum and thoracic vertebrae.

This method is suitable for yoga practitioners with practice experience.

This method can not only flexibly the hip joint, but also open the chest.

10: This version is suitable for beginners of yoga For beginners, the strength of the lower back is relatively weak.

Placing the Yoga brick at the lumbosacral junction can not only strengthen the strength of the lower back, but also alleviate the pain of the waist.

Advanced version: Jia people with practice experience can practice this version.

Place the Yoga brick at the lumbosacral position and straighten one leg upward.

This practice can strengthen the core, It’s also more comfortable.

Action 11: when practicing supine spine twist, many people can’t land on their knees.

It’s more comfortable to put a yoga brick under their knees.

The torsion of the spine is deeper.

Action 12: when practicing this pose, Many people’s legs are weak and trembling, and some people can’t tighten the core, resulting in the suspension of the lumbar spine and increasing the burden.

If a yoga brick is sandwiched between the legs, it can be solved.

The purpose of the brick is to start the adductor of the thigh to stabilize the pelvis, and also start the transverse abdominal muscle to help stabilize the lumbar PS: practice yoga, small changes and big differences.

After mastering a pose, try different practice methods, It will feel completely different.

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