Yoga villains began to speak Yoga English

Yoga villain – learn yoga English – Yoga English – “Yoga villain” is an online registered trademark of Chinese yoga and the image spokesman of good yoga classes and famous teachers.

From October 15, 2021, China Yoga online audio and video platform [Yoga cube] will send three “Yoga villains”, who are experts in yoga English.

In the next year, they will lead elite yoga practitioners and yoga teachers to practice yoga English.

Teach [systematic Yoga English training camp] Yoga villains to teach good lessons [systematic Yoga English training camp] yoga is a foreign culture.

Learning Yoga English well, mastering a certain degree of language communication tools, timely understanding the most in yoga trends, participating in yoga courses of international famous teachers or teaching in English are icing on the cake for yoga practitioners or teachers.

China Yoga Online has selected excellent teachers and teaching materials, and carefully produced the “Yoga villain personal teaching series” [systematic Yoga English] training camp course.

It is recommended that good class Yoga Lilliputian [system Yoga English training camp] [system Yoga English] training camp produce punch in video teaching materials in weekly units, supplemented by wechat group guidance and timely live interaction.

It is recommended that the learning cycle is 52 weeks (1 year), and three series of professional courses are arranged every week: 1.

[Yoga English Intensive Reading] series – from the most popular hatha yoga teaching materials in the world Asana pranayama mudra bandha (Chinese version) is a good course taught by [systematic Yoga English training camp] Yoga villain Shajin.

It is adapted from the teaching video of famous European and American teachers produced online by Chinese yoga.


[Yoga English listening] series – a video teaching courseware based on popular European and American Yoga Videos Postural method, breath regulation method, fitting method, bundle method) It is an internationally recognized general teaching material of Hatha Yoga published by Biha Yoga University in India.

Shakin, the translator of the Chinese version of the book and lecturer of College English, will select 52 classic exercises from the book, cooperate with the same teaching video shot online by Chinese yoga, and lead you to intensive reading of Yoga English, so that students can expand their common vocabulary of Yoga English and master the password of Yoga English in a one-year learning cycle To improve the comprehensive ability of Yoga English.

As long as you keep learning, your yoga English level will continue to improve: practice yoga, be able to successfully participate in face-to-face, video or correspondence courses of international yoga masters, be able to teach yoga, be able to skillfully practice passwords in English and exchange Yoga topics with people in English.

[systematic Yoga English – intensive reading] The series of courses take weeks as units, with a total of 52 video courses + wechat group counseling + live broadcast + bonus reward courses, —- introduction to apmb by Amazon online bookstore: postural method, breathing method, contract method and bandha method (hereinafter referred to as apmb) It is internationally recognized as one of the most systematic Yoga manuals today.

Since the first publication of Biha Yoga school in 1969, it has been reprinted 17 times and translated into many languages.

In the trend of Yoga internationalization, it has always been the main reference textbook for teachers and students in many yoga traditions.

This comprehensive textbook provides clear diagrams, step-by-step guidance and And detailed Qi chakra ideas.

It provides both teachers and students with the simplest to most advanced practice guidance in Hatha Yoga system.

The book also provides a yoga physiotherapy index suitable for doctors and yoga physiotherapists combined with recent Yoga research information.

The current version has successfully raised the description of yoga practice to the level of university textbooks.

Since the first publication of this book, People are increasingly interested in yoga.

Today, this book is regarded as a standard textbook for teachers and students in monasteries, yoga centers and yoga schools in many countries.

The yoga skills it presents are widely studied in more fields, including medicine, education, entertainment, business, physical education and spiritual practice.

The lecturer of intensive reading course: Yoga villain: Shajin gyangiri Mountain Yoga (Beijing Xiangshan) retreat center (2003), Xueshan retreat center (Lijiang, Yunnan) (2010), China Yoga Online (yoga video website) (2012), free Snow Mountain Yoga life center and free secret place retreat center (Lijiang Jinmao), founder of Yoga cube brand, three-year Yoga learning of mangov Yoga Science College (Australia) Graduated from major, lecturer of Bali spiritual yoga festival.

From 1987 to 1990, he was an English lecturer of the University of foreign economic relations and trade.

He was the Chinese translator of asana pranayama mudra bandha (postural method, breathing method, contract method and bandha method) and meditation from Tantra by Biha Yoga press in India.

He was awarded [systematic Yoga English training camp] Frank, a yoga villain foreign teacher, teaches oral English in person, which is the most important tool for language communication.

A series of oral Yoga English courses are updated every week.

Frank, a Canadian Chinese teacher, hosts them.

He selects the most representative common words and expressions of Yoga English from the teaching videos of famous European and American teachers filmed online by Chinese yoga, and leads you to practice oral Yoga English.

[system Yoga English – oral] series of courses are weekly, with 52 sessions in total + wechat group counseling + live broadcast + bonus reward course.

Speaker of oral course: Yoga villain: Frank studied at the University of British Columbia, Canada.

He is keen on yoga, reading, rowing, basketball and other sports.

Ryt200 yoga teacher, studied abroad for 7 years, and his English is close to his mother tongue.

Yoga [system Yoga English training camp] Yoga villain foreign teacher Dana Dana teaches listening in person, which is an essential course for mastering a foreign language.

Dana (Dana), an American Chinese yoga teacher born by a designer, draws lessons from the teaching courseware made by the popular yoga videos in Europe and America, plus online examination and clock in learning, which greatly improves your yoga English listening level in a one-year cycle.

[systematic Yoga English – listening] The series of courses are week based, with a total of 52 sessions of video lessons + wechat group counseling + live broadcast + bonus award courses.

The main lecturer of listening course: Yoga villain: Dana, a famous art expert of Rhode Island School of design, loves fashion, yoga and healthy slow life.

Ryt500 yoga teacher, Canadian Chinese, English is close to the mother tongue level, has studied in the United States for 7 years, and the TOEFL has reached 105 points before studying in the United States.

GA [systematic Yoga English training camp] and “Yoga villains learn and communicate yoga in English [systematic Yoga English] refer to the curriculum plan (above) Yoga English – yogaenglish – learning English needs perseverance.

The training camp consists of 52 units (it is recommended to study 1 week for each unit) As a cycle, the intensive reading, oral English and listening learning videos are updated every week, and the learning method is “punch in video learning + wechat group counseling + live interaction” to ensure the best learning effect.

[system Yoga English] adopts the rolling registration method, and studies with the newspaper for 52 weeks (1 year).

After completing more than 90% of the punch in and stage examination, you will be awarded China Yoga Online whole Yoga college [Yoga English major] Graduation certificate.

If you have not completed your studies within one year, you can apply for free repetition.

You can buy intensive reading, oral English or listening column courses independently, but comprehensive learning is more recommended (three series combined training camps have the best effect and enjoy preferential prices) Yoga English series courses are suitable for advanced yoga practitioners to help them participate in on-site courses of famous foreign teachers, study abroad or learn international yoga courses through video.

They are more suitable for high-standard yoga teachers to improve their professional level and have the ability to teach in English..

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