New Yoga Life

Is the hip open? Take these 8 yoga poses to practice!

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   A flexible hip can improve the practice effect of yoga posture, effectively improve the blood circulation of both legs, relieve back pain, and the effect of detoxification and beauty is amazing.

Therefore, hip opening is very important.

The first step in a set of classic hip opening sequences  • Four legged kneeling position, hands and feet separated by shoulder width  • Exhale, step on your heels and push your hips back and up  • Push the palms of both hands to the ground to form an inverted V-shape  • Keep your abdomen tight and hold 5 breaths.

Step 2  • Starting in downward dog pose, raise your right leg back and up  •  Bend your right knee with your heel in the same direction as your hip  •  Keep 5 breaths, change sides, step 3  • From downward dog pose, step your right leg forward to the outside of your right hand  • The front leg is vertical to the ground and the rear leg is straight  • Touch your fingertips on the ground, keep breathing for 5 times, and change sides.

Step 4  • From the upper pose, keep your legs still  •  Hold your left palm on the ground and point your right arm to the ceiling  • Twist the spine, open the chest and face the ceiling  •  Keep 5 breaths, change sides, step 5  •  Start with the upper asana with the palm of your left hand on the ground  • Push your left hand outward from the inside of your right thigh  •  Keep 5 breaths, change sides, step 6  •  Start with the upper pose and bend your left knee  • Grasp the left foot with your right hand and pull the left foot towards your hip  •  Keep 5 breaths, change sides, step 7  • Stand in mountain pose with your left foot back a little wider than one leg  • Slowly bend the right knee to 90 ° of the big and small legs, and straighten the left leg  • Put your palms on your chest and keep your legs still  • Twist the torso to the right with the left elbow against the outside of the right thigh  •  Keep 5 breaths, change sides, step 8  • Stand in mountain pose with your left foot back a little wider than one leg  • Exhale, torso forward and down, abdomen close to thighs  • Hands extend downward and downward to maintain 5 breaths.

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