5 simple yoga postures, all-round shoulder opening, people who have tried say sour and cool!

Shoulder stiffness will not only limit the progress of yoga practice, but also bring a series of posture problems such as chest hunchback, winged shoulder blades, and even chronic pain problems such as scapulohumeral periarthritis and old cold shoulder.

Therefore, proper shoulder opening and flexible shoulder joint are very important! Sun salute and back bend are great for opening shoulders.

However, if your shoulders and upper body are very tight, this area can help relieve pain and discomfort through some static stretching.

The following five positions are perfect for stretching your shoulders and relaxing you, and help relieve pain.

Start in puppy stretch baby pose, stretch your arms, lift your hips above your heels, and slide your arms forward.

Relax your shoulders.

If you have difficulty, bend your elbows and put your hands closer.

Take a few breaths and return to baby pose.

This shoulder stretch in the rabbit pose will reduce the tension accumulated in the lower back during the puppy stretch.

Start in baby pose and relax the back of the shoulders and rhomboid muscles by entering rabbit pose.

Clasp your hands and put your head in the clasp’s hand.

Elbows close to ears, forearms on cushions.

Inhale, lift your hips above your knees and put the weight of your head on your forearms when lifting.

There should not be too much weight on the head; Let your arms support you.

Keep breathing a few times, open your whole back, and then exhale back to baby pose.

The shoulder loop is assisted by a yoga belt to move comfortably within your natural range of motion.

Start in sitting or standing mountain pose.

Grab the shoulder strap, wider than your shoulder.

Inhale and lift the yoga belt over your head and continue into the space above and behind your head.

Stop here for a moment, then exhale and bring the shoulder strap back to you.

Repeat the breathing several times.

Next, relax the yoga belt slightly so that you can move when inhaling and raising your arm, and put your arm behind you when exhaling.

Continue circulation and move slowly with breathing: inhale, upward; Exhale, down.

Push wall stretch shoulder push wall stretch mimics the downward dog arm position, but the wrist is not load-bearing.

In addition to stretching the shoulders, it can also stretch the hamstrings and relax the back.

Lean your hand against the wall, walk back, and slide your arm down the wall until your hips bend 90 degrees.

The legs are aligned in a mountain pose, and the upper body is balanced and extended.

Put your head between your upper arms and look at the ground.

From this position, you may see how gently rotating the upper arm changes the feeling of the shoulders and upper back.

And keep breathing a few times.

The clock face is well supported by the shoulder extension wall, which can work deeply around the shoulder joint.

Put the outside of your right foot close to the wall, and then extend your right arm to the three o’clock position, right behind you.

Put your palms flat on the wall with your thumb up and your little finger down.

Slowly approach the wall until you reach a comfortable stretch and keep breathing evenly.

Next, raise the soles of your feet and put your arms at twelve o’clock, above your head.

Slide your hand back to 1 o’clock, then slowly lower your heels while keeping your hand up on the wall.

This will be a difficult process, so listen to your body.

When you move to the left, turn in the other direction and start at the nine o’clock position.

Try different arm positions on both sides to find stretching exercises that are specific to your personal tension…

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