New Yoga Life

8 yoga moves to help you bend forward and touch your toes easily

After the baby is born, he can easily put his little feet into his mouth.

As he grows up, is this action more and more difficult to achieve? Generally speaking, with age, the body will continue to harden, such as narrowing the range of motion of joints, reducing the amount of muscles, and inability to stretch tendons and ligaments.

Many young people ignore that their bodies are hardening in advance.


How to judge whether your body is stiff? Test of forward flexion of sitting body: sit on the ground with your legs straight, your toes vertical to the ground, and try to reach your toes with your hands.

Generally speaking, if your hand can exceed the distance of 1 palm of your toes (15-20 cm), it means that your body is soft enough; If you can only barely touch your toes, or the distance beyond your toes is less than 6.7 cm for women and less than 0.5 cm for men, according to the data of 2010 National Physical Fitness Monitoring Bulletin, your body softness is only equivalent to that of the elderly aged 65-69.

Even some people are far from their toes and can’t touch them at all, which is even more terrible.

Soft and hard is an important sign of human youth and aging, health and unhealthy! 2.

Watch your body harden! When I wake up every morning, I feel that my whole body is hard, difficult to stretch, and even lazy to get up.

A white-collar Beauty said that when she was in college, she was still a good athlete in her class.

She won prizes in 800 meter race, basketball and so on.

Now I’m almost 32 years old.

I went to the gym to practice yoga last month and found that many simple actions can’t be done.

The joints at the waist, legs and shoulders are like locked.

Another beauty found herself stiff, which came from a traditional Chinese medicine massage.

Pinch when particularly painful, tears have been falling down.

The doctor told her that there was a serious adhesion between the muscles of her two shoulders, which was completely stiff.

Soft and hard determine a person’s physical age.

Some people are in their 70s, but their whole body seems to be elastic, and their movements can maintain gentle continuity.

When they walk, they swing their arms and stride widely.

They look heroic and valiant.

Many young people in their 20s lack continuity when walking, and their limbs are very stiff.

They often stoop and can’t even keep the upright position for a long time.

Stiffness brings these six kinds of damage: 1 Vulnerable to injury; 2.

Physical pain; 3.

Fear of cold; 4.

Frequent fatigue; 5.

Weight gain; 6.

Rough skin.

◆ sit on the floor with your legs straight and wide open to the greatest extent.

◆ keep your toes and knees straight up.

Extend the spine and avoid bending.


Cat cow style ◆ land on all fours and lie on the yoga mat.

◆ when exhaling, look at the ceiling and sink your waist and abdomen at the same time; ◆ inhale with chest arch and head down.


Hamstring extension ◆ kneeling position, with the left knee directly below the left hip, the right leg fully extended forward in front of the body, and the toes of the right foot hooked back.

◆ slowly touch the ground with both hands and drive the chest forward along the right leg until the rear of the right thigh feels stretched.

◆ align your chest with your right thigh.

If you feel the pull of your right knee, bend your knee a little.

◆ hold each side for about 30 seconds.


Sit, stand and bend forward ◆ sit with your legs straight and touch your feet if you can.

◆ wrap a resistance band (or extension band) around one foot and hold it tightly.

◆ inhale, open the chest, exhale, move the chest forward and down, and reach the right toe with the right foot.

◆ remember to take a deep breath and move your right hand forward gradually as you exhale.

◆ after several breaths, continue on the other side.


Supine leg extension goal: hamstring, buttocks, gluteus maximus ◆ lie on your back, lift your legs up and perpendicular to the ground.

◆ wrap a belt around your right foot.

◆ pull the belt with your right hand and pull the leg to the head to feel the extension behind the leg.

◆ restore the leg to 90 degrees.

Stretch the belt to keep your legs away from your body and open your hips (as shown in the figure above, lower left).

Keep your leg as close to the ground as possible and control it with a belt.

◆ leg reduction.

Extend your legs to the other side of your body (as shown in the lower right above), and extend the outside of your thighs and hips.

◆ repeat on the other leg.


Pigeon target: bend your right knee and sit with your hips down.

◆ straighten the left leg, point the toe directly behind, and sink the left hip.

◆ inhale, stretch your arms upward, lengthen your side waist ◆ exhale, your arms drive your body forward and downward, your arms fall back to the ground, your forehead is close to the ground, and slowly close your eyes.


Supine pigeon ◆ lie flat.

Fold your left foot over your right thigh and bend your right knee.

◆ hold the right thigh and gently pull it to the chest.

When you feel comfortable stretching, keep.

◆ change sides and repeat the other side.


Magic skill goal: hamstrings and back ◆ put a pile of books on the floor with your feet together.

◆ put your toes on the book and your heels on the floor.

Try to touch your toes (Figure 1).

◆ bend your knees slightly if necessary.

Start again and repeat 9 times.

◆ then, the positions of the heel and the sole of the foot are exchanged, the heel is on the book, and the toe is on the ground (Fig.


◆ extend downward and try to touch your toes 10 times.

◆ keep away from books.

Put your feet flat on the floor, then bend over and try to touch your toes (Figure 3).

If your goal is to split, you can try to practice sitting angle pose, hamstring stretch and pigeon pose ~..

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