New Yoga Life

Can you really sleep? Yoga sleeping position for 5 minutes is equal to 2 hours. When you wake up the next day, it’s as beautiful as flowers!

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Do you sleep on your back, side or stomach, You know what? Sleeping in the wrong position can cause and aggravate neck or back pain.

Did you sleep on your stomach? (prone) according to the survey, about 7% of people sleep on their stomach, that is, the prone position.

Although this position can help relieve snoring, sleeping in this position may exacerbate other diseases.

Because when you sleep on your stomach, your neck and spine are not in the middle position, which may lead to neck and back pain.

It may also exert pressure on the nerves and cause numbness, tingling and neuralgia.

Prone correct sleeping position: therefore, if you are a sleeper in this way, you’d better choose another sleeping position.

If you can’t quit this habit, please ensure that your head and spine are in a neutral position, and you have space to breathe air.

A sleep researcher found that people who sleep in this way may be more forthright, outgoing and sociable, and they may also be less able to accept criticism.

Do you sleep on your back? (supine) some people who sleep on their back may feel low back pain from this sleeping position, which will make the existing back pain more serious.

So this is not the best sleeping position for low back pain.

If you have snoring, sleeping on your back can also exacerbate this situation.

Correct sleeping position on your back: but sleeping on your back is also good.

It can keep your head, neck and spine in the middle, so you are unlikely to feel neck pain.

Research shows that people who sleep in this position with their arms down may have a quiet and conservative personality.

They have high standards for themselves and others.

People with cactus arm posture with their arms upward don’t like to be the focus of attention.

They may also be good listeners and give suggestions.

People in this sleeping position are likely to snore.

Do you sleep on your side? (side lying) at present, the most popular sleeping position is side sleeping.

About 41% of people sleep in this way, bending their knees and curling up on both sides of the body, which is also known as fetal position.

There are more women in this sleeping position than men.

This is a good sleeping position for pregnant women because it helps the circulation of mother and fetus.

This sleeping position may also be good for those who snore.

But if you have arthritis, this sleeping position may make you seriously ill.

Because your diaphragm is limited, curling may also affect your deep breathing.

Correct sleeping position for side sleeping: when sleeping, the side sleeper’s legs are bent and curled towards the trunk, sleeping in the so-called fetal position.

Researchers found that people in this sleeping position have a warm and friendly personality, but they may be strong in appearance and sensitive in heart.

Sleeping is a major event that accounts for one third of our life.

In addition to the important factor of sleeping posture, back muscles, relieving stress and releasing emotions are also important factors affecting our sleep.

Yoga is a gentle and rejuvenating way.

A national survey found that more than 55% of Yoga people found that it helps them get better sleep, More than 85% said yoga helps reduce stress.

Your breathing is the key to relaxation of these postures.

Yoga man Xiaobian suggests that you should practice the following yoga postures before going to bed, cooperate with breathing, and practice several groups before going to bed, so that you can get good sleep quality.


Balasana pose can make you feel calm and stable, but if you have a hip or knee injury, be careful.

Practice: kneel and stand on the mat with big toes together; Separate knees and hips the same width; Sink the torso into the thigh when exhaling; Stretch the spine forward with both hands, and then put the arms naturally back on both sides of the body with the palm facing upward; Keep your forehead on the mat and gently turn your head to the left (right), which will release the tension on your forehead; Breathe slowly and steadily through the nose.


Uttanasana is a good way to the tension of your neck and gently stretch your hamstrings, lower legs and hips.

But if you have a back injury, be careful when doing this pose.

Practice: stand with your feet as wide as your hips and take a deep breath; Exhale and extend the trunk forward, extend the legs and extend the spine; Hold your elbows with your hands, or put your hands on your calves or on the floor.

Note: don’t force both hands to touch the ground.

The purpose of this pose is not the perfect final state, but to extend the spine and relax the neck and shoulders ▊ 3 How to stand in front of the wall: the mat is perpendicular to the wall, stand at an appropriate distance from the wall, and the feet are the same width as the hips; Press your palm on the wall at the same height as your hips; Adjust the distance between your legs and the wall so that your torso is perpendicular to the ground.

Press your palms away from your wall to lengthen your back; Keep your ears at arm height, press your palm against the wall and continue to breathe deeply..

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