New Yoga Life

Do you believe that yoga asana practice has no tricks and skills? 2 moves: take a big step forward by bending back

Cobra pose is a very basic backward bending movement in yoga asana, but for practitioners, it is a feeling of ice and fire.

If you can’t master the details and positive position, you will find that you work hard but can’t make qualitative progress in this pose; On the contrary, if you master the details and positive position, it will be very simple for you to practice Cobra pose, make great progress and benefit quickly.

This difference has something to do with your physical conditions, but it doesn’t matter much, because you practice right and always stride forward on your original basis.

In fact, the details and positive position mentioned here can also be said to be the know-how.

Seeing the word “know-how”, many people may spray me.

There is no skill in practicing yoga.

You just practice.

It is true that diligence can make up for weakness.

Time will prove everything, but do you believe that you have no skills and methods at all? In this article, I’ll take you a big step forward in your back bend through the two tricks and skills of Cobra.

Let’s first understand the Yoga Cobra pose, which is a basic backward bending movement.

It is named after imitating the cobra’s state of being ready to attack with its head held high and its letter spitting.

The practice method is as follows: first, prepare the action: lie prone on the cushion, keep your feet the same width as your pelvis, fall to the ground on your knees and insteps, and keep your legs, heels and toes in a straight line.

Bend your arms, hold your ribs with your elbows inward, put your palms on both sides of your chest, and drop your chin to the ground.

Enter the pose: inhale, lift the chest, extend the spine forward and upward with the head and neck, and penetrate from between the hands to your own range.

Exhale, sink your shoulders and look up.

Keep breathing for 5 to 8 groups in Cobra pose.

Bend your elbows, return to the supine position and exit the pose.

This is the glasses style practice method you hear in class or see in books, but these are only steps without details and key points.

If you repeat 100 times, you may find that you have only made a little progress.

There are two very important key points, or know-how and methods, which determine the quality and harvest of practicing Cobra style.

When you’re ready, don’t get up in a hurry and give yourself some time to do two things.


The elbows clip the ribs, the shoulders rotate outward, stretch back and down, and the shoulder blades close down to the middle; At the same time, the head and neck lead the spine forward.

This is a group of opposing forces: shoulders open, shoulder blades close back to the middle and down and tighten; The head and neck extend forward.

It’s like a tug of war, and you have to control that the two forces are balanced.

Although your movements are in the upper body, you will feel that your whole body, including your legs, is full of strength and begins to tighten preparation.

Your chin seems to have left the ground and can attack and launch at any time.


Roll the tailbone and pubis and push the ground continuously.

This is very, very important.

Keep the upper body still, roll the tailbone, retract the abdomen, and push the cushion on the pubis.

With this adjustment, you will feel that your abdomen suddenly presses the cushion more tightly.

The pubic bone does not push the cushion vertically downward, but downward and upward.

It can also be said to be inclined upward, but this angle is very small.

You can imagine the direction of the spoon when you are serving.

Why do I say this is very important? As far as my own practice experience is concerned, the power source of Cobra body lifting off the ground is not the force of pushing the ground by hand, nor pulling the body up forward by the head, neck, spine and chest, but the force of pushing the ground by pubic bone.

It may not be easy to understand.

Let me give you an example: like the seesaw we played when we were children, why did one end of the seesaw get up? It’s not a rope pulling it or it’s pushing itself up.

But the sinking force of the other end tilted it up.

In Cobra pose, the upper body can rise because the pubis pushes the upper body up.

Give me a fulcrum, I can lift up the whole earth, and only the upper body.

You can try this exercise method: after the elbows and shoulder blades are ready in the preparatory action, focus on the position of the pelvis and continue to push away the warped cushion with the pubic bone.

You will find that the upper body will take the initiative to move upward, and the greater the force of the pubic bone pushing the ground, the greater the range of the upper body from the ground, the hands will naturally straighten, and also ensure that the lumbar spine will not be squeezed.

Of course, I’m not saying that the active upward force of the chest is not important.

During the whole exercise, the chest is always open, the shoulders are rotated outward, the shoulder blades are always tightened downward in the middle, and the head and neck extend upward with the spine.

I just hope you will pay more attention to the pubic bone pushing on the ground.

Try cobra, and you will be surprised.

There’s a lot of nonsense.

To sum up: the two key points of the eye snake style: 1.

The shoulders stretch back and sink, the shoulder blades pull down to the middle, and the head and neck lead the spine to extend upward.

This is mainly to extend the spine; 2.

Roll the tailbone and pubic bone and continue to push the ground.

This is to lift the body off the ground more, make the posture deeper, increase the back bend and release the lumbar space to protect the lumbar spine.

If the two methods are helpful to your Cobra style and then to your back bending, remember to feed back to me in the comment area.

Thank you! Pay attention to everything and share health and beauty…

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