New Yoga Life

Man of the moment Issue 7 – Yoga Club Yuan Meng

Cheerleaders in the interview series of people of the moment, She’s here 01.

Profile name: Yuan Meng College: College of foreign languages grade: 2019 native place: Nanyang, Henan Title: Cheerleader 02.

Team honor | honor2017 group champion of Dalian’s first college sunshine sports competition 2017 Liaoning College Students’ health and vitality competition group a flower ball cheerleading and other awards wonderful interview with sister Yuan Meng Hello! How did you get in touch with cheerleaders?      During freshman military training, I saw a cheerleading performance to brush the team.

Deeply infected by the youthful vitality of the schoolgirls, coupled with my personal preference for dance and sports, I went straight to the cheerleader when I was a hundred regiments.

What impact did joining the school team bring to you? Are there any changes in daily life, study and work?      In fact, before joining the team, I didn’t have the foundation of aerobics, and I was worried about whether I couldn’t keep up with the training rhythm.

However, after joining the team, the patient guidance of the teacher and the guidance and demonstration of the elders and sisters soon relieved me of this anxiety.

I feel more confident and energetic.

I also love sports more than before.

Although I am tired after each training, I have gained a lot.

At the same time, I have also gained the friendship of many cheerleading sisters.

I am really happy to join the cheerleading team.

Can you briefly introduce cheerleaders to the students?      We are a team full of vigor and vitality.

Since its establishment, the team has been strongly supported and encouraged by the leaders of the sports department and relevant departments of the school.

We have participated in various performances and competitions organized at the municipal, provincial and school levels on behalf of the school for many times, and won many honors and awards.

     Under the guidance of coach Zhang danyao, cheerleaders use their spare time to train.

Our diligence and excellence have been unanimously recognized and praised by all judges and other participating teams.

We write a chapter of freedom with our dreams, dance our youth with motion and vitality, and add luster to Haida with our hard sweat and collective sense of honor.

     What activities did the elder sister take part in with the cheerleader? Anything impressive?      One of the most rewarding activities recently was to participate in the 2021 welcome party held by the University.

We performed aerobics dance and fan dance, which are both hard and soft and highly ornamental.

At that time, when the Youth League Committee informed us to prepare the program, it was a week before the holiday.

Except for the holiday time, we had less than half a month to prepare.

In order to present the program more perfectly, our team members came to the school half a month in advance.

From pickpocketing to buckle, to formation and queue.

Every night I spend three or four hours in the gymnasium.

Many team members’ hands are worn out by fans and don’t shout tired.

Rehearse and buckle over and over again.

During this period, our instructor Zhang danyao accompanied us in training almost every night, took great pains to correct the actions of each team member, and gave us great encouragement and confidence.

Although the training process was very tired, due to the encouragement of Mr.

Zhang and the firm eyes of his partners, each team member persisted to the end and completed the program excellently.

I believe that although the rehearsal process is hard, we can see our final results.

The hard work in the gymnasium every night is worth it.

What is the daily training content of cheerleaders?      Our training content is quite rich and colorful.

Not only is it full of vitality cheerleading, we will also arrange soft fan dance and pick kpop together.

In addition, every time we train, we will also carry out some physical training.

Finally, we will do yoga together to relax our body and mind and relieve fatigue.

     We saw the radio gymnastics recorded by cheerleaders on the official wechat.

What was the original intention of recording this video? What kind of response do you hope this video will have?      According to the school’s epidemic prevention requirements, most students have to nest in their dormitories during this period.

In order to encourage the students to exercise, our team recorded this simple and dynamic broadcast gymnastics video according to the school epidemic prevention arrangement.

Through the publicity and promotion of the school’s official platform, we can help students improve their immunity, do a good job in scientific prevention and control, and jointly fight the epidemic.

I believe many students have seen this video, and I hope you can follow it.

Even during the epidemic, you don’t forget to strengthen your body and relax your tired body and mind from time to time.

     As a captain, what is the status quo of cheerleaders in your eyes? Do you have any development plans?      Cheerleaders are a harmonious and warm family.

We all strive towards one goal.

I am very moved by the way we comfort and encourage each other when we are injured and tired.

At the same time, our instructor, Mr.

Zhang danyao, is really very, very good.

He loves us very much and never lets us suffer any grievances.

Even if we have to take into account family and daily teaching, we still try not to be absent from every training.

When rehearsing the orientation program, we train with us almost every night to encourage us to comfort us.

I am grateful and moved by the feeling of being both teachers and friends.

Perhaps one of the reasons that support the cohesion of our school team is the deep emotion between team members and team members, team members and teacher Zhang.

     After the epidemic situation recovers in the future, I hope our team can participate in more relevant competitions and activities.

Enhance the team cohesion in the process of various competitions and activities.

At the same time, I hope to achieve more achievements and win glory for the team.

     Welcome every energetic Haizi to join the cheerleading team.

(PS: boys are welcome too) if you come to the world, you need to see the sun      Editor: Wen Kehan, Wang chengning, Li Yuanbo     Editor in charge: Zhou Jiayi, Guo Yunjia     Reviewed by: Liu Ruohan..

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