New Yoga Life

The more you practice the more beautiful bed yoga posture, let you wake up by yourself every day!

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Bed Yoga combined with abdominal breathing can effectively activate cells, promote metabolism and muscle stretch, and relax body and mind.

At the same time, through repeated deep breathing, it can relieve nervous tension, achieve the effect of calming nerves, and help alleviate insomnia! Today, I recommend a set of yoga moves.

You can practice it when you lie in bed.

Put down your mobile phone before going to bed and do yoga together! Action 1 lie on your back, bend your knees, keep your feet close to each other, keep your heels close to the perineum, open your knees to the side, put your right hand on your abdomen, and put your left hand on your chest to inhale, feel the chest expand outward and exhale, the navel goes to the spine, and exhaust the waste gas in your body.

This breathing mode, perform 5-8 rounds of action 2 lie on your back, bend your knees, keep your thighs close to your abdomen, and the separation of your knees is slightly larger than your waist, The legs are vertical, the hands hold the soles of the feet or ankles respectively, exhale, the legs look down to the waist on both sides as far as possible, maintain 5-8 breaths, restore action 3, sit upright in the form of walking stick, back against the wall, straighten the legs, put the hands on both sides of the hips, inhale with the palm facing down, straighten the spine upward, extend the exhale on the side waist, sink the shoulders, press the thigh bones to the ground, tighten the thigh muscles to the hip, and pedal the heels forward to maintain 3-5 breaths, Restore action 4 simple cross sitting with legs, spine straight up, left hand down, right hand up, big and small arms wrapped around each other, palms opposite, fingertips pointing directly above, exhale, straight back forward bend down, forearm close to the ground, chest extending forward, shoulders away from ears, keep 3-5 breaths, change the opposite arm to practice action 5 walking stick sitting, legs straight forward and bend right knee, The heel is close to the perineum, inhale, the spine is straight, exhale, bend forward and down, grasp the soles of the feet or the opposite wrist with both hands, relax the head naturally, keep 3-5 breaths, change the opposite side to practice action 6, lie on your back, bend your knees, put your heel close to the hip, lift your left leg, put your ankle on your right thigh, hold the back of your right leg with both hands, sink your shoulders, lift your right leg up, exhale parallel to the ground, and lean your right thigh against your abdomen, Deepen the range, keep 3-5 breaths, change the opposite side to practice action 7, lie on your back, keep your hips close to the wall, straighten your legs upward, keep your heels against the wall, naturally hook your toes, sink and relax your shoulders, retract your shoulder blades, put your hands on your abdomen, close your eyes and retract your senses..

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