The secret of yoga | Ashtanga crossing is in the standing posture sequence, but it has been confused by many people

Many people want to practice the crossing of astonga, but they haven’t been able to unlock it for a long time.

Just want to find a post or video to see if you can practice targeted.

There are many ways to cross the Internet.

For example, you can put two bricks under your hands and cross your legs; Or cross your legs and jump between your hands.

As the core strength, hip flexion ability, arm and shoulder strength are established, you can slowly raise it and then cross it.

There is no problem with the above practice methods, but what I want to say is that the sequence of astonga itself actually includes the skills and methods of crossing, as well as the establishment of the basic strength of crossing.

For example, in the Sun Salutation A and B, if the foundation is solid enough, it should be to learn to jump forward from the downward dog pose, which is actually the preparatory practice of crossing.

If you want to practice crossing, you should practice the sun salutation.

Each time you enter the standing forward bend from the downward dog pose, you should jump forward and fall in a controlled way.

This is the first step of the crossing exercise.

The longer you practice the astonga sequence, the more you can feel the cleverness of some parts of the sequence.

In the early astonga practice, cross sequence practice is not allowed, because the front sequence is the basis of the back sequence.

The last sequence of standing posture includes magic chair, warrior 1 and warrior 2.

From these three sequences, many people will not find it difficult, and they are defined as real postures in yoga Mara.

Therefore, many people feel that there is no problem with the last sequence of their standing sequence.

They can continue to practice to the sitting sequence.

In fact, there is a very important series in the last sequence of standing posture, that is, lifting from the phantom chair leg bending, that is, the rabbit jump, which is understood by everyone, but it enters from the phantom chair.

If you practice this series well, combined with the previous sun worship jump, you will actually master the basis of crossing.

Just add your crossing consciousness and practice it all at once.

In the past, I thought that I could disassemble the sequence of astonga and take out the difficulties to practice alone.

In fact, the rocket flow on the market now is to stew some difficulties and sequences in astongar, and then form a school of its own.

Now I think these are just adding to the snake.

The reason why the astonga sequence is classic and can be handed down is that its arrangement has a certain wisdom, not making it up.

Its sequence is linked, and the previous sequence already contains the password and key of the later sequence.

If you can practice in strict accordance with the sequence without jumping, you can unlock it step by step.

What you need is patience and persistence.

Therefore, don’t muddle through the practice of astonga and hurry to the next sequence.

If your primary sequence foundation is solid enough, practicing the secondary and tertiary sequences behind is twice the result with half the effort.

If you are in a hurry to practice the following sequence, you may not practice well and may be easily injured.

A Tang’s practice is often called cooking soup.

How can you cook soup without patience and heat? Some people say that astonga is easy to hurt by practice.

In fact, what hurts people is not the sequence itself, but the mentality of the practitioner.

The unconscious body is not only injured by practicing yoga, but also easily injured by any exercise.


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