High difficulty yoga pose turtle pose, take your mind and senses inward. Be sure to try it

Ancient saints often named postures after the shapes and properties observed in nature.

Turtle postures were named after tortoises, which were animals that would retract their shells when frightened or threatened.

Therefore, in this postures, imitating the body shape of tortoises often produced a subtle feeling of retraction of the mind, as if the voice of the world was becoming clearer and clearer, The world around you slowly fades out of your focus.

You need to warm up and relax your hips, thighs and back before you start practicing.

Step by step from the following sequence.


The garland style goes deep into the garland style under the guidance of pelvic weight.

The hip and back muscles are passively opened.

It feels very wonderful.

After opening, it can be deeply folded in the turtle style to extend the arm under the legs.

Remember, when entering the posture, you should be patient, take some time to feel it slowly, reflect on the feeling of the body, and lead yourself to the next action.


Sage mariqi I pose this pose also helps to cultivate the flexibility of hip and back and stretch hamstrings.

Sage mariqi 1 is more active than garland pose.

If you have the opportunity, you can challenge it a little, such as training a grumpy dog and practicing.

Over time, your hips and senses will be more sensitive and flexible.


Beam angle beam angle can deeply stretch the hip and back muscles to prepare for the turtle to fold forward.

Starting from the walking stick, the soles of the feet push each other and bend the knees at the same time.

The legs relax outward towards both sides.

If the knees are far higher than the hips, the blanket is placed under the hips.


Sitting angle sitting angle leads you to go further to turtle pose, where the hamstrings and lower back will be stretched more deeply.

Starting from walking stick pose, the legs are separated at a large angle.

Through this preparatory pose, the foundation is firm and the trunk is easy to fold forward.

From sitting angle bone to heel, the middle line behind each leg is firmly pressed down on the floor, and the legs are firmly grounded, Like a heavy stake sinking into the earth.

If it is very difficult to fold the body forward deeply in sitting angle pose, continue to practice the first four postures of this sequence, and then practice turtle pose when the back, hip and hamstring muscles can accept deep forward flexion better.


The turtle pose starts from the walking stick pose.

The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, the abdomen is lifted away from the thighs, the trunk is lengthened, the body is folded forward, the arms slide under the thighs, the palm is down, the palm is outward on both sides as far as possible, the chest is wide, the shoulders are sunk to the ground away from the ears, and the flexibility cultivated by the back, hips and legs is used, Relax and enter the turtle pose.

Be careful not to drag yourself in.

Let the body imitate the soft feeling of the heart when the senses are retracted.

Breathe gently, relax your face, practice patiently, use breathing skills, gently adjust your senses for several times, and learn to adjust your senses.

You can better achieve quiet concentration while maintaining yoga practice and meeting your daily life.

This posture can strengthen the strength of the back, adjust the function of abdominal organs, flexible hips and quiet mind.

Contraindications: menstruation or pregnancy, lumbar disc herniation and tense muscles in the lower back are not suitable for practice..

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